Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Shared happiness

So I went shopping with Mom this evening. She always has such a great attitude no matter what is happening or may be going wrong. She's so cheerful and bubbly! It's a joy to be around her. She had on a headband with a plush santa and reindeer on it. It was great to see people smile as she walked past humming Christmas tunes, her little Santa and reindeer bobbing in time with her steps. One man stopped and told her how much he liked her headband. The whole evening was like that. Excitement over novelty erasers and sparkly ribbon at the dollar store, clapping when she found the perfect gift, insisting on carrying her own bags. It made me want to be like that! To be able to make people smile and brighten up the room just by coming in. I'm so blessed to have the mother-in-law that I do!!   

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Simple Pleasures

I seem to be in a rambling sort of mood tonight. Is there any better time to just start writing? Today was such a lovely day! I woke up and was able to just lay in bed for a bit. I started to get restless though. So I got dressed and went on a walk around town. I was able to go to a few different of my favorite stores and pick up a couple gifts. The weather was so perfect for a fall walk! I know it's getting to be winter, but the air was clear and crisp, the sun was shining, and it was just barely nippy enough to make my nose turn red. I got to spend the afternoon running errands with my sweet, darling husband. Then got to make a nice dinner experimenting with a new recipe. The whole day has just been so relaxed and happy. I am very blessed!
I'll be the first to admit that there are days that I start to feel sorry for myself. It's part of life that bad things happen, or that there will be struggles. Nobody can expect to find a way to escape them! Anyway...that's another topic altogether. Yesterday I started to be in one of those moods. I started dwelling on the struggles I have been dealing with lately: health issues, the friends who seem to have no interest in being my friend anymore, the money worries...before I knew it everything was starting to bother me! So my dear Alex, wonderful man that he is, held me and let me cry on his shoulder. After a few minutes I realized what a silly girl I was being. Why should I be crying when I have such a sweet husband who loves me and takes care of me? Why should I feel sorry for myself when I have a roof over my head, and not only the food to survive- but also extras, like egg nog or M&Ms? The answer was immediate: I shouldn't! I had to change my attitude. So as I drifted off to sleep hearing Alex's deep breathing beside me I thought about all those simple pleasures. All the little undeserved things that bring me happiness, if I just take the time to notice them! There are too many to try to list them all for you, and I don't know that you would like that anyway. But here are a few of my favorites!
* Good morning kisses shared with my husband
* Standing in line and having someone tell me to go ahead of them
* Getting to make someone else's day by telling them to go ahead of me in a long line
* The smell of warm, homemade bread
* Those ocassional moments when my cat wants to snuggle beside me
* Music, especially songs that start with the deep, rich tones of stringed instruments. 
* Warm oatmeal with brown sugar on a chilly morning
* Waking up while everyone is still sleeping, and enjoying a bit of quiet time reading my Bible and drinking a fresh cup of hot chocolate
* Scented candles
* Handwritten letters

Do you see what I mean? My list could go on for pages. How selfish of me to pout about my problems when I have been given so much!!

"Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content." Phillipians 4:11

Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Beginning

 I am new to the world of blogging. But after many months of thinking about it, and wanting to have my own little spot to publish my thoughts, I took a deep breath and registered! So here it is: my very own blog. It seems like it would be such a small thing. But it makes me nervous and excited all at the same time! I want people to want to read what I have to say, but at the same time, I won't be changing who I am to get people to like me. I spent the last few conscious moments last night trying to think of a name for the blogspot I would create. A title that would describe what I am all about, what is important to me. I could think of nothing more important than my faith in Christ and my desire to have Him change and mold me. The timing strikes me as interesting. Just yesterday afternoon, while doing my mundane chores, I was skipping through songs on my ipod and for the first time I heard this song: 

The Potter's Hands by Darlene Zschech
Beautiful Lord, Wonderful Saviour
I know for sure, all of my days are held in your hands, crafted into your perfect plan
You gently call me into your presence guiding me by Your Holy Spirit
Teach me dear Lord to live all of my life through Your eyes
I'm captured by Your holy calling
Set me apart, I know you're drawing me to yourself
Lead me Lord I pray

Take me, Mold me, use me, fill me
I give my life to the Potter's hand
Call me, guide me, lead me, walk beside me
I give my life to the Potter's hand

You gently call me into your presence guiding me by your Holy Spirit
Teach me dear Lord to live all of my life through your eyes
I'm captured by your Holy calling, set me apart, I know you're drawing me to yourself
Lead me Lord I pray.

Take me, Mold me, use me, fill me
I give my life to the Potter's hand
Call me, guide me, lead me, walk beside me
I give my life to the Potter's hand

How beautiful! And how very fitting.