Monday, November 28, 2011

Baby update, and other baby thoughts

33 week belly, I like this shot better than 34 weeks
How far along are you?  I am almost at 35 weeks. 
How big is baby? Baby weighs almost 5lbs and is almost 18" long.
Total weight gain: Umm, not really keeping track, except from appointment to appointment. I only gained a pound between my last two. I've probably gained ~25-30lbs total.
Maternity clothes? Yup! I just got some new jeans that I really like. All my skirts are a bit flimsy for fall and winter weather.
Sleep: I've just started having trouble sleeping in the last week or so. I have pregnancy induced carpal tunnel, so sleeping on my sides makes my shoulders hurt really bad, then my entire arm and hand of the side I'm sleeping on will go numb. I'm still getting enough sleep to function well though, so I'm not complaining!
Best moment this week: Wow, this week? Umm...I had my first comment from a stranger! Some lady saw me at the store and said "Wow, you look like you're due any day!" Haha
Gender: I'm actually getting quite impatient to know the answer to this myself. Some days I'm convinced Berry is a girl, other days I just know Berry is a boy.
Movement: Movement is rather frequent, but I have started noticing specific things causing more when Alex is talking, when there is music on -especially music with a steady beat, and when I drink cold water it seems to give Berry hiccups every time.
Belly Button in or out? Almost flat, actually.
Stretch marks? 
I have plenty of stretch marks...more so on my right side where Berry likes to stick his/her bum out.
What I miss: I miss sleeping on my tummy, and being able to walk straight,lol. I have been waddling since about 24 weeks and it's even more pronounced now.
What I am looking forward to: Alex's birthday! And Christmas, then meeting Berry. I'm not sick of being pregnant yet, but I'm getting impatient to meet this little person.
Milestones: Well, I passed the 34 week mark, which (I am pretty sure) is the point that if I went into preterm labor the doctor's wouldn't try to stop it, as most babies can survive at this age with little difficulty.

I don't think there is really much else going on that's pregnancy related.
I have been getting tired more often again, but that's partially due to the fact that I haven't been sleeping well.
I developed a polyp on the back of my throat from constant sinus drainage. You know the feeling of having a tiny piece of food stuck in your throat? I have that constantly. I'm getting used to it now though, and it pretty much only bothers me first thing in the morning.
I have been able to make about 9 freezer meals for us to use after the baby is here. I think it will be nice to not have to figure out what to make for dinner every now and then.
Alex is almost done with this school term! He has this week and next left, and then he is off for a month. I know it would be a bit unusual for a first time mom, but I'm hoping baby comes soon after 37 weeks. Sometime during the break would be great!
Nursery is pretty much done. I like the way it turned out and the only thing I have left is figuring out how to keep KitKat out once baby comes.
I learned that going Black Friday shopping is an entirely different experience when 34 weeks pregnant. Getting up at 4:30am wasn't bad, the crowds weren't that terrible, the walking wasn't too tiring...but then my feet started to swell, and my shoes got too tight, and I developed blisters and cuts (from my toes being squeezed together). Luckily I had a pair of flip flops in the car and was able to just switch shoes. I got overheated pretty easily though, and enjoyed the cool weather on our trips to and from the car. I also, after about 4 hours, realized that my feet weren't used to my new weight putting pressure on them for such a long period of time and they started to protest. We got home after about 8-9 hours and I collapsed on a couch and could barely move the rest of the night. I was also amazed at how ravenously hungry I got 3 or 4 times that day.

Life has been busy and I have been enjoying it. I'm really excited about the holidays because I know the busyness will make the time go faster...Berry will be here before I know it!

Monday, November 14, 2011

My pregnancy advice to me.

Does anyone else talk to themselves? If not I might just end up sounding crazy by making this public, but here goes: I talk to myself. I tend to give myself mini pep talks, or give myself advice, or carry on plain ol' conversations with myself.

 Over the past few months I have had plenty of advice and/or thoughts on pregnancy. Some of it just being things that I have learned, some of it is things I wish I had figured out sooner, some things that I had decided before I ever got pregnant, and others are maybe a bit sarcastic.

~ Take it one day at a time.
~ Stop worrying so much.
~ You already knew that pregnancy could have side effects like nausea, backaches, and tiredness. You don't need to whine about it because people will likely think one of 3 things
    1) "She knew what causes pregnancy. It's her own fault she's dealing with it."
    2) "That much whining makes it seem like she doesn't realize what a blessing her baby is. She should be a lot happier about being pregnant"
 or 3) "Drama queen."
~ You may have friends who have experienced the loss of a child or are trying to get pregnant, so it would be more considerate of you to not have constant updates on facebook about your cravings, baby movements, funny little pregnancy quotes, etc.
~ Eventually you will adjust to not being able to sleep on your tummy...eventually.
~ Pretty much anything unusual that your body does during this time is normal for pregnancy.
~ "When baby moves you'll just know that's what it is." isn't always correct, so don't stay up all night crying and worrying because you don't know for sure. The little flutterings are, in fact, the baby.
~ Really, don't worry so much.
~ Don't focus on the numbers on the scale, you've had enough problems with that in the past. If the doctor says you're doing okay, you're all good. Just make sure you and your baby are getting the nutrients and vitamins you need. You can't have a
big mac
cheese danish
for every meal!

~ Enjoy being pregnant, it does start to seem like it's going by really fast!
~ Just because you can still see your toes at 33 weeks doesn't mean you can do everything you did before getting pregnant. It's okay to take it easy every now and then.
~ When you are pregnant the fact that hubby wants a bowl of cereal could be considered a legitimate excuse for crying...but that doesn't mean you won't feel like a complete idiot later for doing so.
~ I know you love seeing and feeling the baby move, but that doesn't mean everyone else wants to be told about it or encouraged to watch for it every time.
~ Make sure the daddy feels involved, but make sure he wants to know every little detail and possibility before you overload the poor guy. (Disclaimer: My hubby has been amazing and wonderful, and though I have asked to be sure I'm not giving him info overload or bugging him by always talking about our baby, he has not once been upset or frustrated at me for my seemingly one track mind)
~ Make sure you still let your hubby know that he is also very important and special to you, and that you appreciate all the little ways he helps and spoils you. (Like that midnight run for cherry 7up, or the back massage when you forgot that you have physical limitations...)
~ I know that none of your normal clothes fit (even the elastic waistbands!) and you are already waddling when you walk, but that doesn't mean you don't look beautiful.
~ Your tummy will never be that perfectly round little tummy you've seen in pictures. By the time baby is big enough for you to look pregnant, s/he is also big enough to stick their bum out in one spot and cause you to be lopsided.
~ One more time - don't worry so much, enjoy your pregnancy!!

I think that's pretty much all for now. Do you have anything to add? What's your favorite pregnancy advice?