Monday, March 5, 2012

I never expected to

As much as I intended to not turn every post into something about Jacob, my life consists of little else these days. So, today's treat: a few things I never expected to laugh at.

*Accidentally spraying milk everywhere when Jacob gets distracted while nursing.

*My baby getting red in the face while crying. There are times when I can tell he's just mad about something...and the little guy is just so stinkin' cute, even when screaming mad.

*Poop in the bathtub, not pretty.

*The fact that Jacob's in his third outfit for the day...whether from diaper blowouts or spit up, sometimes he goes through more outfits in a day than I did when I was a teenager.

*When Jacob starts rooting while Alex is holding him, leaving little wet spots from his tongue. Oopsie!

*When the "sprinkler system" goes off between diapers. There's really very little I can do except clumsily try to get something in the way of the stream (usually the new diaper) then clean up the damage afterwards. It used to distress me when it happened, but I've found it's much easier to laugh. Who knew babies could get such distance!

* When I get out of bed because I hear the baby making a bunch of noise, only to find he was just grunting to toot in his sleep. Another case of it being easier to laugh than to cry.

What about you other mommies out there? What do you find yourself laughing at? Being a mommy can be a messy job!

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