Thursday, August 30, 2012

Jacob 8 months

My sweet little baby is two thirds of a year old! I can't believe how fast the time has gone by, and I'm constantly amazed at what Jacob is learning and doing.

Last he was weighed -almost a month ago now- Jacob was just under 16lbs, and about 25 and 1/2 inches long. I'm guessing he is at least 16.5lbs now, and I can tell he's getting taller. We'll have to wait a few days to find out for sure. He's still wearing some 0-3 month clothes, but is mostly in 3-6month now. Still in size 2 disposables, when we use them.

Jacob is now standing almost all the time! Not on his own yet, but he pulls himself up on almost everything. His favorite toy is an activity table out neighbors have let us borrow until their baby grows into it. He stands and plays on it for an hour or more at a time, and when he pushes the buttons that play music he has a little dance that he does. He still gets upset when he falls over, but it seldom happens anymore.
Crawling hasn't happened yet, but Jacob does scoot backwards very well, and is able to turn in circles. Just yesterday he went from tummy to knees and arms, to feet and arms, so I'm guessing that he'll start crawling over the next few weeks, and maybe even learn how to stand on his own.

Sleep has been pretty bad for a few weeks. He had been sleeping 10 hours straight at night, but then he started teething, then he got a cough, and now he has a terrible cold. So for now I'm back to getting up every two hours at night. I'm expecting to have to do so for at least another week since we are in the middle of moving right now. I think Jacob will adjust to the new place pretty fast though, and as soon as he is able to breathe easily again, we're going to re-start his sleep training.

Speaking of teething, Jacob still doesn't have any teeth. It's too hard to try to see his gums, so I don't even know how close he is to getting them. I'm sure he'll just surprise me one day.

As for food, Jacob isn't very picky He loves pretty much anything we give him. The other day I cooked some ramen noodles, and instead of using the seasoning I stirred in a little bit of sweet potato. He loved it! I let him feed himself so he was grabbing handfuls of noodles and putting them in his mouth. It was a huge mess, but so much fun to watch! The next time I gave him noodles he discovered that an easier way to eat them was to just bend over and suck them off of his tray. I wish I had been able to get a video.

Like I said, we are moving right now, so I don't have my newest pictures of Jacob uploaded yet. I'll have to do a photo dump later. So I'll just leave you with this shot from a few weeks ago

Isn't he the cutest?

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