Thursday, May 30, 2013

Jacob, 17 months.

My little guy is 17 months old today!

Still little. ~22lbs, and almost 30" tall last he was weighed an measured. He's pretty much exclusively in size 12 month clothes, though some of the pants fall off when he's not in cloth diapers.

Jacob is going through a picky eating phase. He's completely unpredictable whether he will eat the same thing one day to the next. His only "definitely will eat this" foods are ramen noodles, peanut butter and jelly/honey/nutella sandwiches, life cereal, and baked goods (like his mommy). Though something of a tricky topic depending on who you talk to, Alex and I have decided that for now we'll somewhat adjust to his pickiness. When he is a bit older and we know he understands what we want, and when we can better understand why he won't eat things, we will definitely be more strict with food. For now he's still getting a pretty balanced diet of grains, dairy, proteins, and fruit and veggies. It's just harder because he doesn't eat everything we put in front of him anymore.

Jacob's vocabulary is exploding, and we love getting to be a part of it! He knows a couple dozen words, at least, including cracker, love you, s'cuse me, fishies, medicine, basket, cheese...and a whole bunch more. He is also putting together phrases with sign language as well, such as "milk, please" "eat more" and "all done please". He's good at recognizing things too. He loves to point out babies and ducks in particular.

If I weren't about to have another baby, we would probably be in the beginning stages of potty training with Jacob. He has started to let us know when he has to go potty, and when he needs a diaper change. Pretty much as soon as I am recovered from having baby Chuck, Jacob will start potty training.

Jacob has such a great personality emerging, it is a joy to Alex and I to watch him grow and learn. He seems to be naturally kind and obedient.
Whenever he gets a bump or a smashed finger, or some other "owie" Jacob points whatever body part is hurt to us, and makes a kiss noise so that we know to kiss it better. I started "kissing it better" a few months ago when he was in his klutzy stage and falling all the time. Well I guess it stuck, because I don't have to ask anymore. He definitely lets us know when he needs a kiss.

Speaking of kisses, Jacob is a very sweet child and loves giving kisses to Alex and I and his stuffed animals and toys. Just the other day I was reading him a book, and when I was done he turned and gave me a kiss. It's such a special thing when voluntarily given.

Jacob still loves books, and I enjoy having him bring me a book and getting to snuggle him while reading. It all depends on the day though. Some days we get to read a dozen books, other days we go through his entire library and never get farther than the first few pages of each book.

Jacob is getting a lot better about playing by himself too. He used to need me sitting right there to watch him play, or to help entertain him. Now he will sit and play for an hour or more at a time before needing to come find me. If I ask him to go get his shapes, he brings me his shape box (a bucket with a lid that has shapes cut into it, with shaped blocks to go inside) and we'll play for a while with me asking him to find a certain shape. He definitely knows circle, and is starting to recognize square. He loves trying to force the block into the wrong hole so I say "No, silly!". He busts out laughing every time.

But, because I don't want to make it seem like it's all rainbows and butterflies, here are some of the challenges we have with Jacob.
*He loves to climb. Which wouldn't be a problem if he wasn't still so new at it. Last week he fell and bonked his head, split his lip, and bit his tongue, all in the space of a few hours.

*Jacob loves markers, and pens, and highlighters. And despite being told "no" he still manages to find some and color on himself, or the walls, or the recliner. Mostly himself. You can bet that mommy made him help scrub the walls, and the recliner.

*Jacob also loves Dutch Bros, and he recognizes their logo. He seems to think he should get a hot chocolate every time. And if he doesn't, I can pretty much know with certainty he will throw a tantrum.

*If he's in a bad mood (too tired, usually) Jacob throws tantrums quite easily. His favorite way of doing this is to start sobbing and throw himself belly first into the floor. Sometimes resulting in a bonked nose or forehead.

*And, my main problem with him right now. Jacob has no idea of physical boundaries yet. Mommy is a jungle gym. Period. Knees and elbows and little feet all over my hugely pregnant self  is not comfortable at all. We're still working on him asking to get up, and sitting still when in someone's lap.

Life is crazy and busy and I can't imagine life without our sweet little guy!

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