Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Out of the habit.

I was looking over my blogger profile, and I can hardly believe that I only have 10 posts from this entire year! I remember when I used to write every single day. So I decided to just sit down and type whatever came to mind for about 10 minutes.

Right now I'm enjoying one of my favorite parts of the day: naptime! Both my sweet boys are sleeping and it gives me a chance to have some leisure time. Though more often than not I spend it cleaning and tidying the house. Right now I have some music playing, and just made a pot of coffee. The sun is shining, and my house is at least presentable.

Life has been changing so much in the past few months. I have been changing. I feel older and wiser, and a bit more aware of some of the harsher realities of life. I have also been developing a deeper relationship with my Lord. He truly is my Rock and my Saviour.

Anyway, there isn't much of a point to this post. I just want to get back to writing more often. It used to be kind of a therapy for me, but I have found that the less I write, the less inspired I feel to write.

1 comment:

  1. So true - I find when I actually sit down to write, I'm more likely to do so again sooner!
