Monday, April 30, 2012

Four months already?

It's hard to believe that today my little Jacob is four months old!
I'm amazed at how fast he is developing.

Size: He's still not very big for his age. Two weeks ago he weighed 12lbs 6oz, and was 23 and 1/2 inches long. He's just now outgrown almost all of his newborn clothes and one or two of his 0-3month. He is still in size one diapers, though Huggies brand are a bit smaller and tend to leak more often.

Sleep: At two and a half months Jacob was sleeping anywhere from 6.5 to 8 hours a night. He even slept 9 hours straight one time! But then he hit a growth spurt or something and was waking up every 2 hours, sleeping 4 hours then waking up every hour the rest of the night, etc. It got pretty frustrating! I had no idea why he had regressed so badly. As of last night he was back up to 5.5 hours.

Milestones: All of a sudden Jacob was able to hold his head up during tummy time! Then he started rolling over on a pretty regular basis (from tummy to back) Now when he's on his tummy he does this little squirm -it looks very similar to "the worm"- to try to move forward. He's so frustrated that he's not able to crawl yet. He is also very close to rolling from back to tummy, he tries so hard! The newest milestone hasn't really been a fun one: teething. The past few weeks Jacob started drooling all the time! That progressed to grabbing anything that came near his mouth and chewing on it. Toys, fingers, arms, spit rags, toes, shirts, you name it. He has tried it all. Just in the past week or so he also started fussing almost constantly while awake. Toys, food, music, rocking...none of it soothes him. He just sobs and it's heartbreaking. Then in the past two days he's started running a low-grade fever. So I'm pretty certain he's getting some teeth, his gums have even started getting pretty firm. I can't be sure -because anytime I put a finger near his mouth he wants to chew on it- but I thought a saw a pale mark on his bottom gums where a tooth was sitting under the surface. I just hope that they break through soon! I feel so bad for my little man.
So good at holding his head up now!

Talking: Jacob doesn't say any English words yet, though he has cried what sounds like "mom" or "mum" since about two weeks old. He loves to talk though! When he's awake and not fussing he's jabbering away at me, Alex, or his toy animals. A series of coos, grunts, raspberries, and "ah-ah-ah"s.

Quirks, favorites, and funny traits: Jacob doesn't sit up on his own. In fact, he doesn't even really like sitting all that much. If he's being held he pretty much always wants to be standing. He has really strong legs and as long as someone is balancing him, he stands on his own.

He loves his daddy! For example, the other night I was feeding Jacob one last time before putting him to bed and Alex came in the nursery to fill up and start the vaporizer. Jacob turned to see him and made a little laugh noise "ha". When Alex left he went back to eating...until Alex came back in with the full vaporizer to start it. Again, staring at daddy then a little laugh. I love the good relationship they have!
Also, Alex is apparently a lot funnier than I am. Jacob laughs at Alex's funny faces, and funny noises, and silly talking. I love hearing his little giggles, and he has a smile that brightens up his whole face. Today I was actually able to make him laugh and I felt so proud of myself, haha.

Bath time is Jacob's favorite part of the day. he can be on the floor sobbing one minute, and as soon as he is in that tub full of warm water he is content as could be. He has also learned how to splash...which reminds me that I need to find a floor mat for in front of the kitchen sink. He makes a mess! He also loves the part of bath time where we clean his gums and tongue with a damp washcloth, we're hoping it'll make daily tooth brushing just that much easier! He's already so used to having his mouth cleaned every night. This past week we gave Jacob his first bath toy- a little pirate rubber duck that we were given a his baby shower. He grabbed onto it and promptly stuck it in his mouth to chew on.

One of my favorite things that Jacob has started to do is what I call his "bring it on" move. He'll be laying on his back on the floor and all of a sudden he'll put his shoulders back, puff out his chest and tummy while picking his butt off the floor, and make a grunting noise. It's so adorable!

His favorite toy is a little giraffe rattle, or his blanket. He often falls asleep for nap time with one or the other held tightly in his hand up by his face. He also loves hiding behind his blanket, especially when he's acting shy.

Jacob also loves blowing spit bubbles.

I guess that's all I can think of for now. I know I don't write very often, but that's because I would much rather enjoy the time with my little's passing by so very fast!

And now...a few more pictures.

He looks so handsome in the hat his grandma made him
Jacob's first Easter

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