Tuesday, October 30, 2012

10 months!!

My little man is ten months old today!!

By now I'm pretty sure Jacob will always be a little peanut. He is so small still! He now wears 3-6 month pants, and 6-9 month onesies. He is also now wearing size 3 disposable diapers -not because he was outgrowing the 2s- but because he is growing, and we wanted to buy a large pack without risking him outgrowing them partway through the box.

Jacob eats very well. He was eating six jars of baby puree a day, plus a snack and nursing three-six times. We are in awe of how much food this little guy can pack away!
Now that we're buying some 6oz jars of food, he only eats three or four jars a day.
So far, other than the few weeks he refused to eat baby meat (I don't blame him!) Jacob has never turned down a food. I don't know if he really has any favorites. He does always polish off apple, strawberry, banana. He also loves animal crackers.

Sleep is going a bit better. This morning was the first time that Jacob slept through Alex getting up and leaving for work. I'm hopeful that it will stick this time!

As far as learning new things, Jacob figured out how to turn his walker around last week. It used to be that whenever he ran into a wall, or some other obstacle, he would scream and cry in frustration. Now he just moves to the other side and pushes it away from whatever is in his way. Such a relief! We also discovered that the laundry basket makes a better walker than his walker does. So now our dirty laundry stays in a pile on the floor because the basket is almost always in use for Jacob to walk around.
Yesterday Jacob fed himself a bite of food with a spoon for the very first time! He was so proud of himself, and the mess of broccoli and carrots on his tray, face, feet, hands, and clothes were definitely worth it!
Also yesterday Jacob figured out how to use a straw. He is so short that even though he knew how to use his own sippy cup, he had to lay down every time, because he wasn't able to tilt the bottom of the cup far enough up to get water. So we bought him a sippy with a straw and he learned how to use it really fast!
One of his favorite toys right now is a lid to one of his bottles. It has a tiny little hole in it and he discovered that if he puts the lid over his mouth and inhales it whistles. he does this often now! He was even doing it in the bath and making the water that was in the cup gurgle. When he has two bottle lids, he smacks them together like cymbals. He also gives kisses now, mostly just to me. but has given his daddy and "Aunt" Deena one. Big, open-mouthed, splobbery kisses...that will sometimes turn into a bite on the chin or nose. Biting is something we're trying to nip in the bud super fast!

Jacob's smile has changed now too. He has a wide cheesy grin, and he loves to grin! It is one of the cutest things I have ever seen, I just never seem to be able to catch it on camera.  For the most part he is happy and outgoing. He never fails to elicit at least one comment while we are at the store.

My little man is such a joy! I am trying to cherish every minute. It's passing so very fast!

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