Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Jacob 9 months old

I was tempted to write an update on Jacob at eight and a half months old. He learned so much in just a few weeks!

One day he learned how to sit up in his crib, the next time I went to get him he was standing up holding the rails, and the very next day he figured out how to crawl!

Yesterday Jacob was weighed and measured. he weighs 16lbs 12oz now, and is 26 inches long. Percentile wise this means he is in third percentile for weight, and not even on the charts for height. My little peanut. He wears mostly 0-3 month pants with a few 3-6 thrown in, and he wears mostly 6-9 month onesies.

Jacob has started eating a lot more over the past week or so. Partially because he's finally over his cold (after two rounds of antibiotics) I'm sure. Most days he eats a jar of fruit for breakfast, a jar of veggies for lunch, and a jar of veggies and a jar of meat for dinner, with a few snacks of crackers or finger foods thrown in. Last week he got to try spaghetti and meatballs for the first time, which he absolutely loved, and last night he had some of our tuna casserole. I'm pretty sure that very soon he'll just start eating whatever Alex and I are eating.

Spaghetti face!
Jacob just started saying "mama" the other day. But it's not something that happens often. I normally only hear it when he is talking to himself during playtime. He has been playing by himself really, really well this past week. I love how many things have improved with his health! He loves his little push-walker. He walks all over the livingroom and hallway. It doesn't even phase him when he runs into a wall, he just keeps pushing and bouncing the wheels off of whatever is in his way. He loves dancing too, even if it's just bobbing his head up and down while sitting. I love to watch him enjoying music!

Books are quite fun too. Jacob loves turning the pages and some of his favorite books are the touch and feel ones where there are different textures for him to rub.

Reading with Daddy!
Crawling has improved in the two weeks since he started! Jacob crawls over the house now, and he's fast! He has what we call a gimpy leg. He pushes off with one foot to go forward and drags the other one behind him. It is so cute, but it took me a few days to figure out why the top of one foot was always dirty by bedtime. I also joke about the fact that I always know where he is as long as he's moving because he hums to himself. It's when he stops to play with something that I have to go check on him.

Jacob is learning the concept of  "No" and doing very well! His favorite "toy" is electrical cords, so it seems like we're telling him no a lot. Usually as soon as we'll say it he will drop -or stop reaching for- the cord, and after a few times of trying, he'll go find something else to do. I'm so proud of him.
Chewing on a cord
I'm sure there are other little things I'm forgetting. Like the fact that he learned how to clap over a month ago, he loves to wave his arms when he's excited, he's starting to learn how to wave "hi" and "bye-bye", and is pretty good at high-fives.

I love when he gets enough sleep and wakes up happy!
 Sleep is still a struggle. What with him getting sick, then us moving, me getting sick, then him still being sick, and me getting sick again, it feels like we haven't been able to keep a very regular schedule for him. It's a work in progress though, and now that he's better and I'm almost all better, I'm sure it will happen soon.

Jacob and Opal. They were Mickey and Minnie, completely unplanned
I love watching my baby grown and learn, it's hard to believe it's been nine months already!!

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