Friday, November 16, 2012

Being thankful for the good in the bad

I've been a bit of a whiner lately. Sad, but true. And earlier today I was whining about things in my head again. When i realized it, I was ashamed of myself.

I have no excuse to be ungrateful and upset with where I am at in life, and with what I have been given. So, as an exercise in thankfulness I decided that I need to make a list. A list in which I find something good to say about every single one of the complaints I have had recently. Who knows, it may end up being a lot easier than I expect...

* I was feeling sorry for myself that Alex is gone so much of the day, it feels like our time together is so limited now. But, I am thankful that Alex has a good job! I'm thankful that he gets paid overtime for any time he is working past 3:30pm, and I'm thankful that he gets home safely every evening and that he does get to spend time with Jacob and I before bed. I'm also thankful, and proud, with how well Alex has been able to adjust to working full-time again.

* I was feeling annoyed that I don't want to eat any of the food we have in the house. I'm thankful that eating less could help me lose weight, and thankful that we have food available! I'm also thankful that my hubby doesn't let me get away with going out to get something every night just because I'm being picky.

* Lack of sleep was/is causing stress, anxiety, and emotional upheaval. I'm thankful that when I do get to sleep I have a nice, warm, comfortable bed to sleep in, freshly laundered sheets and pillows, and Alex to keep me warm. I'm thankful for my little Jacob even when he does wake me up. Every time he starts fussing at night it's a reassurance that he's still breathing! I'm thankful for the joy that he is to me, and how wonderful he is. Honestly, I think the sleep issue is really the most difficult part of caring for him right now.

* I was upset and angry at myself that I have put weight back on. But, I'm thankful that I was able to lose almost 50lbs this year! (not counting the weight lost because of having Jacob) I'm thankful that I have felt happier, had more energy, and been able to wear most of my pre-pregnancy clothes. I'm also thankful that I know if I put my mind to it I can lose the weight again.

* I've been stressed out because the new house still isn't in order and organized yet, and some days I feel like I get nothing done. I'm thankful that we have a new, bigger, house. A house where I don't have to smell cigarettes and marijuana from an upstairs neighbor (we don't have one!) A house with a garage, with a spare room, and a non-carpeted dining room. I'm thankful that we have been so abundantly blessed with things that it is taking me this long to find spots for it all. I'm thankful for Goodwill, and that I can pass on unused clothes and items rather than wasting space on them. I'm thankful for my son who is the biggest distraction from getting anything done, but the most fun "job" I have during the day.

* I have been annoyed with the amount of poopy diapers Jacob has every single day, and gotten tired of the hassle of rinsing cloth diapers. I'm thankful that Jacob is eating well and that his body is processing foods well! I'm thankful for our friends who let us borrow their cloth diapers, and that I we have been able to save so much money by using them. And I'm thankful for the huge sense of relief i have every time I get a diaper that's just wet.

And...I'm done for now. The more I wrote about what I was thankful for, the less I was able to think of things I've been unhappy with.

What are you thankful for?

1 comment:

  1. This is such a good practice! I'm thankful for too much to list in this comment, so I'll follow the thread of your post, and say I'm thankful for the cold, icky snow because it reminds me of how Christ's blood washes us so clean, and I'm thankful for a nice home that has a working furnace, and I'm thankful for warm fuzzy slippers! I'm thankful that that 4 month long ingrown toenail problem has finally been solved, and I can now mash on my toe with no pain at all. Finally, I'm thankful that our stupid car finally died more fully than we care to fix, which caused us to need to find a new, more reliable vehicle. I'm thankful for good friends who helped us find a new car, and I'm thankful that God provided the means to get such a great car!
