Thursday, December 27, 2012

Why I'm a bad blogger

1) I'm not committed to blogging and getting traffic on my blog. I have far too many other things that are a higher priority.

2) I have plenty of opinions, but don't want to come across as "my way is the only way" with everything, and I don't want to seem judgmental. I also don't like posting a bunch of rants. So sometimes I just don;t post anything at all.

3) I read other blogs, but I seldom comment.

4) I'm not confident in my writing. I sort of just do it for me and it isn't a necessity like it used to be (back when I had a detailed daily journal)

5) Sometimes just stopping and enjoying the moments brings far more joy than trying to write down every detail. Though I do love sharing Jacob's monthly developments.

6) I just don't feel like I'm as good at writing things of interest as I used to be.

7) I don't have an "attractive" blog. Not because I haven't read all the tips on how to attract more readers by my page design, but because I'm always too busy to try to change anything.

So, unless I work on changing, it may just be the monthly updates of Jacob and a random thought now and then. And for now, I'm okay with that.


  1. that's ok... i think the main reason I've never stuck with a blog is because I don't like being "chained" to it.

  2. Haha your just like me! I never quite know what to blog about and so few people really care about it. So why bother :)
