Thursday, April 4, 2013

Jacob 15 months.

Some days I look at my baby and I see a little boy...I don't know where the time has gone! But I am so thankful for his chubby legs and elbow dimples, because it reminds me that Jacob is still my baby for just a while longer, and to cherish every minute of it.
So, at 15 months Jacob weighs about 21lbs, and I can tell he's getting taller but I won't have any exact measurements for another week. He is now wearing mostly 12 month clothes and is still in size 3 disposable diapers.

I am proud of my little guy! In the past two months he has gotten through a few big changes and milestones. Jacob is now completely weaned from his pacifier, completely weaned from nursing, and he sleeps in a toddler bed! He has consistently been sleeping through the night...about 10-11.5 hours straight. And in the last week he has decided it's time for only one nap a day. Today is only day two of keeping him up longer before his nap and letting him go without a second one, so we'll see if it is as successful as yesterday.

Jacob is a chatterbox. I really have no idea where he got it from, but he talks constantly. He's learned quite a few words now. He says "bath", "M&M", "medicine", "amen", "shoes", "nigh-night", and "bye-bye". I may be forgetting a few. In sign language he knows "milk", "water", "eat", "all done" and "more".

Alex and I keep finding ourselves amazed at the intelligence of our little guy. Jacob loves to go outside, and he knows we need shoes to go out and play, so he loves to bring Alex and I our shoes and help us put them on. He always brings each person the correct shoes, in matching pairs. And yesterday when I was sitting with one of my feet under me Jacob was getting upset. I finally realized that the foot he was able to get too was the wrong foot for the shoe he had. (We've been trying to point out the difference between left and right every time we dress him and put shoes on him. I guess it's sticking?) A bit later Jacob brought Alex his shoes and Alex said "We're not going to go outside, put the shoe back."
 Jacob started walking toward the livingroom and Alex corrected him, that the shoes go by the kitchen door. I pointed out to Alex that he had told Jacob to put the shoe "back" not "away" and that his shoe had been in the livingroom when Jacob got it. We both just kind of shook our heads in amazement.

There have been so many instances like that where we are just floored at what Jacob knows and understands! Just this morning I had Jacob throw his diaper away, and when he started to put it in the recycling trash can I said "No, the other one." and he switched it to the normal trash can.

Jacob doesn't really have favorite toys. He likes anything to do with household chores, and tools. He now has his own little broom and swiffer and he loves carrying them around the house. Most toys bore him after a short time of playing. If I had to pick I would say his favorite right now is his Little People Noah's Ark.

  Jacob has the sweetest personality any parent could wish for. He loves to share and often offers people bites of his snack or meal, he likes to pick up things and take them to people, he is still very sensitive to anybody getting hurt (or even thinking they are) and lately he has become more of a cuddle bug. He likes sitting on mine or Alex's lap, he gives kisses, and usually wants me to kiss any bump he gets...and he gets a lot of them! Jacob has started carrying around his blanket and every once in a while stops to hug it, and then bring it to Alex or I to feel how soft it is. He also loves stuffed animals, and will hug and kiss on them and carry them around.

He's not without his stubbornness though, and we definitely have our rough days.

I love getting to watch my little guy grow and learn. I feel so blessed with such a sweet, obedient (most of the time) boy. It's amazing to watch him and see him do what we've been teaching him to do -even doing it without knowing we are there. It's been a challenging and a
learning experience to know that we are responsible for what Jacob learns, for training him how to be a godly young man, and that we are the biggest examples he will see of how to live rightly. It's definitely a huge reminder to Alex and I that everything we say and do could influence someone else, but especially our little boy.

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