Friday, March 22, 2013

The ADHD cleaning method.

I only had that one goal to finish before bedtime.

My goal was simple.
I wanted to get our master bedroom cleaned up.

Not a huge job really. A few clothes on the floor, a dresser that needed cleaned off, some beauty samples to be put in a basket and moved to a shelf in the bathroom...simple.

Almost an hour later I still wasn't done, and when I realized why it kind of made me giggle.

Here's how it went:

Pick up the clothes and put them away.
Grab the trash off of the dresser and throw it away.
Move the extra paint tray to the nursery (which is in the process of being painted) and when I realize that the roller and brushes are still dirty and sitting in the leftover paint I go to grab a trash bag to put everything in.
Go to the kitchen to grab a trash bag from under the sink.
Notice the pile of dishes left from dinner.
Unload and reload the dishwasher so the sinks are empty.
Remember what I was originally in the kitchen for and actually grab a trash bag.
Put the disposable paint tray and roller in the bag, grab the brushes.

Throw the paint stuff away outside.
Rinse off the brushes in the kitchen sink.
Clean out the paint splatters and realize the counters are grungy too.
Wipe off the counters.
While wiping off the counters I find the basket I wanted for all my beauty samples.
Look at the clock and realize that an hour had passed and all I had gotten done with my one goal was putting away a few clothes and moving a paint tray...

Such is my life with the ADHD cleaning method.

Disclaimer: I realize that ADD, OCD, and ADHD are sometimes serious mental issues. I not making light of people who have actually been diagnosed as having said issues, nor claiming to actually struggle with them myself.

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