Saturday, March 2, 2013

Baby bean is...


We had the 20 week anatomy scan done last week and we let it be known almost as soon as we got there, that if at all possible we wanted to find out baby's sex. The technician started looking around and pointing things out and said "Let's check between the legs."

Bean's legs were pressed tightly together, we couldn't even get a peek! So she continued with the scan and every few minutes would go back to check. Nothing. Baby wanted to keep it's legs together. After how active baby bean was at the previous two ultrasounds I was surprised that s/he was staying so still!

Eventually the tech said we could take a break. Told me to go empty my bladder, jump up and down, bounce around the bathroom a little, and then come back. So I did. And I felt like an utter fool doing it, but I wanted to know what sex my little baby is! I felt like I had been waiting forever this time. I came back and she started checking around again. We're having another baby boy!!

I can't say I was too surprised. I hadn't had any mother's instincts before, but the day of the ultrasound I would have been more surprised to find out it was actually a girl.

So after finding out his sex, the technician tried to get a good 3D image of the face for us, and he wouldn't move his hand! Baby kept his hand over his mouth or other parts of his face for a good 5 minutes, until she finally decided we would have to make do with what she had been able to get. So one of the prints we were sent home with it looks like our little man has an elephant trunk. It's just his arm and hand, smack dab in the middle of his little face.

Of course, the crazy hormones I've been dealing with this pregnancy came into play and I may have cried a bit later that evening. Not that I am disappointed that I'm having a boy, Alex and I are both thrilled!!! I was just being irrational and felt like we may never get our baby girl, and I had this slight fear that with as awesome as Jacob is and as adorable as he is, how can another boy be as fun and amazing?

Now don't jump all over me. I know it was silly and irrational (which made me cry harder. I felt like I was being a stupid, bad mom by even thinking it...even while knowing it was silly) After my little cry about it I started feeling better. Alex made me laugh a little when he said that when we do have a little girl she's just going to be so cute that we needed two big brothers to be able to look after her. I like his theory ;) I know that this little man will also be awesome and adorable. And while I know he won't be just like his older brother, I know that we'll love him just as much.

We do have a name picked out, but we're keeping it a secret this time. For now we're calling baby "Chuck".

I have all the nursery colors and some decor ideas picked out and I'm super excited to get started. We just keep running into snags and bumps getting Jacob's room finished and him moved back into it so we can get started in the nursery. (Stories for another post)

Chuck is a mover. I don't know if I have less fluid this time and am able to feel it better, or if this baby is bigger, or if his movements are just that much more aggressive; but whatever the reason I'm loving being able to feel movement so much more distinctly and earlier on than with Jacob.

I can't wait to meet our new little guy! Over halfway there.

Little "Chuck"

1 comment:

  1. I don't know how I keep missing your posts! :D I'm so excited to meet little baby "Chuck"
