Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Boy or girl? An Old Wives' Tales post

I am a few days from baby bean being half baked, which means we'll be finding out the sex soon! I know everybody loves to make their guesses, and I have fun playing along, so I thought it would be fun to look up all the old wives' tales on how to guess the sex. I'll let you know later on which ones were correct! After all, they all have a 50/50 chance. With some of these I had to ask Alex because I am the worst when it comes to determining something about my own looks.

Here's my 18 week bump, so you can come up with your own opinion/predictions!

Carrying High or Low?
This is a well known old wives tale – so many people will want to look at your belly and think they can guess just from looking! So as the tale goes, if you are carrying low, it’s a boy, or if you’re carrying high it’s a girl.  
 Alex says high = girl

Is Your Skin Dry or Soft?
If your skin is dry, you’re said to be having a boy – and if it’s soft, then a girl is on the way.
Soft = girl

What’s Baby’s Heart rate?
First, to set the record straight, until it’s born, your baby’s heart rate will not be affected by it’s gender. But so they say, if you’re carrying a girl, then baby’s heart rate will be above 140bpm (beats per minute). A boy is said to have a heart rate under 140bpm. A study published in the Journal of Reproductive Medicine (1996) has dismissed this theory, as has other research. Your baby’s heart rate will change often during a pregnancy, depending on the baby’s age and it’s movement. Anything from 120-160bpm is normal for an unborn baby.
The heart rate has been anywhere between 152-180bpm = girl

Your Flowing Locks
Has your hair become thinner and dull? Or full-bodied and glossy? Thin and dull says girl, gorgeous and glossy says a boy.
My hair has been thicker and fuller, but also drier and a bit dull = ?

Where Are You Carrying Extra Weight?
Even those extra pregnancy kilos are said to give us an insight into your baby’s gender! If you are carrying extra weight at the front, then you’re having a boy… but if you are carrying extra weight on your bum and hips, then you have been carrying a girl. What about dad-to-be? If he’s gaining weight with you, apparently you’re having a girl. If he’s put on no weight, a boy for you!
I think most of it went to my tummy, but some of it did go to my hips/love handles = boy
Alex's weight is the same as it was 10 years ago...= boy

If you combine your age at the time of conception with the number of the month you conceived and the resulting number is odd – then it’s a girl on the way. If the resulting number is even, then it’s a boy for you.
Conceived in Oct, and I was 22 = 32 = boy

Sweet, Salty or Sour?

Another well known old wives tale!!! Are you craving sweet foods like juice, fruits and chocolate? if so, old wives say that you could be having a girl. But if you’re craving sour or salty foods, then you could be having a boy. It’s also said that if you are having a boy, you will crave protein like meat and dairy.
I was craving spicy food, and I want sweets, but I'm very particular about which ones...they have to be "fancy" sweets, like lindt truffles, cheesecake, homemade pie, etc. Store bought cookies, and boxed brownies just don't do it for me right now. And meat is somewhat revolting. = girl

Wedding Ring Test
Get your wedding ring (or other ring/needle/pin) and attach it with a strand of your hair or some string. Lie down and dangle the ring over your belly. If it starts moving in circles, you are having a boy, or if it moves like a pendulum from side to side, then you are having a girl.
Pendulum = girl

Got Morning Sickness?
Did you experience morning sickness in early pregnancy? If you did, then you’re said to be carrying a girl, but if you didn’t have morning sickness, then it’s a boy.
None at all = boy

How About Those Cold Feet?
If your feet get colder than they used to pre-pregnancy, it’s a sign you have a boy on the way. If your feet are the same, then it’s a girl!
I think they're the same = girl

How Do You Look?
Do you look better than ever while pregnant? Or has the pregnancy done your looks no favours? As it goes, if you look great during pregnancy, then you are carrying a boy. If you don’t look too fresh, you’re having a girl, because she’s stolen all your good looks!
Alex says better than ever (he's so sweet!) = boy
I don't feel like I look as good = girl

Pimples, Schmimples…
If you get acne during pregnancy, apparently you’re having a girl, and if you don’t, then you’re carrying a boy.
Definitely breaking out! = girl

Are You A Lefty or a Righty?
When you sleep, do you sleep on your left? Because if you do, then it’s a boy for you! On your right, a girl is in sight.
I usually start on my left, flip to my right, fall asleep on my left, and continue turning all night = ?

Check Out Your Wee!
Okay…. now apparently if you have bright yellow urine, then you’re carrying a boy, but if it’s dull / clear, then you’re carrying a girl. On a serious note though, if you have dark urine, up your water intake as you may be dehydrated.
Dull. I've been doing my best to stay hydrated anyway! I think this is one of the silliest OWTs ever = girl

What Does Your Belly Look Like?

A basketball or a watermelon? Because if it looks more like a basketball, then old wives say boy, but if it more resembles a watermelon then it’s a girl.
Alex says watermelon = girl

Hairy Legs?

Has the hair on your legs grown faster than normal? Or has it grown just like normal? Because if it’s growing faster than it did pre-pregnancy, then you’re said to be having a boy.
 Mine have been normal, maybe even slower! = girl

If a toddler shows interest in you, you are having the opposite sex of the toddler. For example, a girl toddler expresses interest in you means you are having a boy.
Jacob has been quite clingy = girl

If you are moody, you are having a girl because of all the extra female hormones. 
Yes! I have been insanely moody = girl

If the linea nigra stops at the belly button, it's a girl. If the linea nigra goes all the way to the bottom of the rib cage, it's a boy.
Don't have one at all =?

If your face swells and gets rounder, it's a girl. Long and narrow face, a boy. 

 I have never had a long narrow face, but I think mine has gotten a bit rounder = girl

If you find yourself clumsier with pregnancy, it's a boy. If you remain grounded and still in control of your body, it's a girl.
Not any more clumsy than usual...most of the time = girl

The final tally is:
15 = girl
5 = boy
3 = ?

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