Saturday, February 9, 2013

Jacob 13 months

This morning I had a bit of a shocking moment. I was watching Jacob play and I realized that he looks like a little boy now, not really a baby any longer.

His top teeth are coming in now. He got the two side top teeth first, and now the middle ones are coming in.
Last time he was weighed and measured  Jacob was up to 20lbs and just over 28 inches. Jacob runs now. He is an active little man and always wants to be on the move, he has such short legs that he ends up with a very unique run. Just over the past two days he has started dancing while walking too.

Jacob has started copycatting too. Whether coughing, laughing, clapping, using a tool, "knocking on wood" etc. He tries it as soon as he sees it done. A good reminder to Alex and I that we are his role models, and that a lot of what he does depends on what he sees us do.
Jacob will eat almost anything, though he dislikes some meats. His latest favorites have been life cereal, peas, kix. Pretty much anything he can pick up and feed himself. He likes feeding himself with a fork or spoon too, and makes much less of a mess than he used to. His main problem is getting loose foods to stay on the utensil he is using.
We still can't figure out which hand is Jacob's dominant hand. Just this evening I was watching him eat dinner with Alex and he was using both hands equally to grab and feed himself food. Maybe he's ambidextrous?
Jacob's also learned "where's your nose?" and for "where's your belly?" he points at his chest, so, close. He gets bored though and once he's learned something new and shown it off a few times he wants to go on to something new and will seldom do that "trick" again.

Jacob has made some major improvements in sleep! I am so proud of him, and so upset at all the problems he was dealing with that we didn't even know about. When we took him to the doctor for his one year check up, the doctor said he may have allergies, since he has had almost chronic coughing, sneezing,runny nose, and rubbed his nose a lot as if it was itching. So, he was prescribed some baby clairitin. The doctor also said that if the previous tenants had been smokers or had pets, the residue from that may also have been causing problems. Not a week later Alex and I realized there was yellow stains running down the nursery wall...and we assumed it to be nicotine. Long story short, after a month of stress, little help from the landlords, and continuing health problems and sleep trouble with Jacob - we moved him to the spare room as we completely clean, primer, and repaint his room. We'll also be paying to have the carpets cleaned. Besides the nicotine we've also discovered mold, and that there was a gas leak outside the corner of the house where Jacob's room is. In one week he has improved so much that he no longer needs Vick's on his feet, we no longer give him tylenol just before bed, and he went from sleeping 4 hours straight at best, to sleeping 8-9 hours straight, then another 4 before getting up for the day.

All in all, Jacob is growing and learning like crazy, has no end of energy, talks constantly, and brings Alex and I such joy and amazement that we can hardly stand it sometimes.What a blessing our little man is!

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