Friday, February 15, 2013

The long-time coming pregnancy rant

In case you missed it...which -unless you're a facebook friend- you have. I am currently 19 weeks pregnant with baby number 2! I guess this post is my blog announcement.

Now, when I was pregnant with Jacob, I thought I experienced some pregnancy hormones. And obviously I did cause pregnancy changes hormones, but compared to how emotional, irrational, and easily irritated I am with this pregnancy, those "hormones" were a walk in the park.

We all know the phrase "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all." And for the most part, I have done that (except when talking to Alex about all the irritating things people do. Poor man, he has been a saint putting up with me lately)

It was brought up to me that maybe doing a once a month "pregnancy rant" blogpost might be a good way for me to vent, and it might reach some readers who find it amusing or familiar. So I figured it might be worth a try. But, for the sake of feelings all around, I won't mention specific people. I will try to keep my ranting to things that the general public have done that drives me insane. (I might have some about myself, and maybe one or two about hubby if he's okay with it ;)

Driver's, they drive me insane (haha, see what I did there?) For the sake of staying active, and getting me and the little man out of the house, I go for a walk pretty much daily. And I live in town, which means busy roads, crosswalks, and parking lots to venture across. Before I was a pedestrian such a huge percentage of the time, I didn't realize just how inconsiderate motorists can be! The biggest things that irritate me lately are as follows
*Cutting off the pedestrian (which = me and Jacob, and sometimes my neighbor and her little boy) We'll check the traffic and start across the sidewalk that crosses the entry/exit of a store parking lot when suddenly someone speeds their way in or out of the parking lot. Usually cutting us off, or getting so close behind us we can smell their exhaust. They have literally been so close at times I could have touched the vehicle, had I attempted it.

*Not waiting for the pedestrian who has the walk signal. Now some of the crosswalks are tricky, as they give me the signal to walk at the same time as the people in the turn lane get a green light. I believe it is technically the law that they are not supposed to go as long as a pedestrian is in the crosswalk at all. Now it doesn't bother me too bad that people don't wait until I am completely across the road before turning in front of or behind me...but when they barely wait for me to get out of the lane they're turning into?? It drives me insane. It is so very dangerous, and uncomfortable for me. Keep in mind that almost 100% of the time that I am going for a walk, I have Jacob in his stroller and am pushing him.

And sort of on the same subject, it irritates me every time I see this cute little card posted online:
And this is the nicer version..
I am almost 5 months pregnant, pushing over 30lbs, and you stopped for me. Do you really think I'm going to sprint? Although people seldom stop to let me cross. When they do I make sure to wave my thanks, because I appreciate it so much.

*Pulling halfway -or more- into the crosswalk at a red light. There are lines there for a reason, it's called a crossWALK for a reason, back your big stinky truck up two feet so I can fit where I'm supposed to. The 2 feet are not going to make you late because you're that much farther back when the light turns green.

*whew* I feel a little better already ;)

Cigarettes also bother me. A lot. I am normally quite sensitive to the smell, and when I'm pregnant it is many times worse. There are now laws in place about smoking in public. The main one being that you have to be at least 10 feet away from an entrance to smoke. People do not obey this law, especially when it's cold. I will be walking out of the store and there is often someone smoking right there...about 2 or 3 feet away. I (only halfway jokingly) told Alex I was going to start carrying a tape measure and re-adjusting people. Seriously, cigarette smoke makes me ill, and when smokers don't follow the law, I have no way of avoiding it. And yes, I will go out of my way to go in a different door if possible. It's that bad.

People talking to Jacob implying that I'm a bad mom "Where's your hat?? It is too cold outside!"
Yeah, the hat is in the stroller, he takes it off and throws it when the chin strap gets in the way of his drink. Where's your hat? And yes, he is in his pajamas. No I'm not too lazy to dress him, I think his feet being warm is more important than him being in "real clothes", the fact that they are footie pajamas keeps him from being able to pull his shoes and socks off. Which he does as soon as he can, and throws them when I'm not looking. He's lost one of each in wal-mart.

The other day I was so emotional that while we were out to dinner, when Jacob said hi to a couple that was leaving, and they ignored him, I wanted to cry.

I sometimes cry if Alex doesn't get the chance to call during his lunch break.

It is extremely sad to have a mail day where we don't get anything. Junk mail is even better than nothing.

I very easily take things too personally right now, and if you suggest that something I'm doing is unhealthy or dangerous, I may just jump to the conclusion that you're saying I'm a terrible mom and don't care about the health of my unborn child.

I think that is all for now. Ladies, have you ever been extra hormonal? What were some of your craziest moments?

1 comment:

  1. Don't feel bad! When i was pregnant i asked nate to get an apple pie off the pan because it was stuck... He broke the top (not even that bad!) And i broke down and sobbed for about 20 minutes! I was always venting to Nate when i was too! And you have more power then me! I would say something when i walked past a smoker and still do! You look so adorable pregnant! We are praying for you!
