Friday, November 22, 2013

I saw it on Pinterest

"I saw it on Pinterest"

How often have you seen or heard this phrase recently?

I know I have said it myself a few times. I wish I could claim that all my inspirations, recipes, ideas, and motivators came from my own imagination, but it just isn't so. I have found Pinterest to be a very useful tool at times when it comes to inspiring ideas or giving me just the nudge I needed to try something I had been putting off.

I thought it would be fun to share the photo/s I found as inspiration, and my completed version.
I have to admit I'm not computer savvy enough to figure out how to share the original photo source, but all the photos that aren't my own were found on Pinterest.

The curtain headboard
My version of the curtain headboard

I believe I spent about $30 on the supplies for our headboard. $10 for the curtain rod, $9 for the sheer curtains, and another $9 for the drapery on top. The installation was done by my hubby and the arranging was done by me.

The faux mudroom/entryway
My entryway

This project was a bit pricier. The shoe bench was $60 from Fred Meyer/Kroger, the coat hooks were $14 each from Wal-mart (which still ended up being cheaper than making my own...I definitely checked!) and the Joshua 24:15 quote wall sticker was from Dollar Tree. We have gotten so much use out of this though, it has been worth it! Even if just for the fact that the shoes are no longer in a huge pile by the door, and the jackets don't stay hung on the back of our dining room chairs.

An earring organizer
Jewelery organizer

My earring and jewelery organizers
This only cost me a dollar! I bought a large frame from Dollar Tree, used an old tablecloth for the lace, and just hot glued them together. I had a small shelf that I had never used because I hated the color, so I just painted it black and added a couple of coffee hooks on the front for my necklaces.

Anyway, I have more, but I think that's enough for the day. The boys won't be napping for long and I need to get the house cleaned up some!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Out of the habit.

I was looking over my blogger profile, and I can hardly believe that I only have 10 posts from this entire year! I remember when I used to write every single day. So I decided to just sit down and type whatever came to mind for about 10 minutes.

Right now I'm enjoying one of my favorite parts of the day: naptime! Both my sweet boys are sleeping and it gives me a chance to have some leisure time. Though more often than not I spend it cleaning and tidying the house. Right now I have some music playing, and just made a pot of coffee. The sun is shining, and my house is at least presentable.

Life has been changing so much in the past few months. I have been changing. I feel older and wiser, and a bit more aware of some of the harsher realities of life. I have also been developing a deeper relationship with my Lord. He truly is my Rock and my Saviour.

Anyway, there isn't much of a point to this post. I just want to get back to writing more often. It used to be kind of a therapy for me, but I have found that the less I write, the less inspired I feel to write.

Friday, August 23, 2013

A late announcement.

My baby is here!

He's actually six weeks old now. A mellow, serious baby, who is a bit of a momma's boy so far. We adore him and have been enjoying this addition to our family.

Introducing Stephen Alexander!

Born via c-section on July 8.
8 lbs
20.75 inches (though there has been a lot of confusion since then, he has always measured shorter, but that was the official length we were given.)

Big brother Jacob

Proud daddy
Me and my newest handsome man

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Jacob, 18 months

My little man had his 18 month appointment the other day. The doctor said he's growing like a weed. He weighs in at just over 22lbs, and is now 30 and a half inches tall -which puts his height up in the 4th percentile!

Jacob amazes me almost on a daily basis.. He likes to figure things out, he's observant, and he's learning new words almost daily. Jacob is my little helper. He loves to help unload the dishwasher, will throw away trash without being asked, and always wants to be the one who pushes to buttons to start the dishwasher.

The picky about food stage seems to be coming to a close. Now Jacob will eat almost anything we give him, or at very least he'll actually try a few bites before deciding he doesn't want any more. Also new in the past few weeks is that he's actually eating fruit! Until now Jacob wouldn't touch any solid fruits though he loved purees, fruit pouches, and applesauce. In the last week or two Jacob has eaten part of a peach, apple slices, a banana, orange slices, and some grapes.

It's been fun to be around as Jacob's vocabulary grows, and so neat to see what he actually understands. He's a little chatterbox and likes talking to himself. If we're in the car for a drive we can usually hear Jacob back in his seat "yomma yomma  Daddy vroom vroom, diaper, duckie!" As he goes through jabbering and adding words that he knows. My favorite thing this week has been hearing Jacob say "yeah" or "no" a lot, and using them in context!

"Jacob, do you want to go outside?"

"Do you want to do laundry for me?"
"Mm, no"

"Do you know how to say 'banana'?"
"Go ahead, say ba-na-na"

Jacob loves to share his toys, food, teddy, water, etc. His sweet personality just makes me melt.
He's a bit of a flirt sometimes when we're out in public, though not with everyone. I'm not sure what he bases his friendliness on, but sometimes he'll be shy and hide from people, or all the way at the other extreme, he'll be waving and saying hi and grinning ear to ear.
Jacob loves to be outside, even if he's just walking around the driveway, he usually throws a bit of a fit when it's time to come inside.
His favorite things right now are cars and trucks. He identifies vehicles by saying "Vroom vroom" when they drive by, or he sees a picture of them. Stores that have car shopping carts are much easier to shop at because he stays happily driving the cart the whole time we're there. And, his favorite toys are a Dodge Viper that Alex has had for years -it's now missing two wheels, the trunk lid, and the windshield- and his Little People schoolbus.

On the downside, Jacob is starting to find a bit of a stubborn/headstrong streak that can be quite a challenge at times. We joke that he's so smart he's just hitting his terrible twos six months early.

All in all, Jacob is growing and learning, and brings so much joy to our lives, we couldn't imagine life without him.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Jacob, 17 months.

My little guy is 17 months old today!

Still little. ~22lbs, and almost 30" tall last he was weighed an measured. He's pretty much exclusively in size 12 month clothes, though some of the pants fall off when he's not in cloth diapers.

Jacob is going through a picky eating phase. He's completely unpredictable whether he will eat the same thing one day to the next. His only "definitely will eat this" foods are ramen noodles, peanut butter and jelly/honey/nutella sandwiches, life cereal, and baked goods (like his mommy). Though something of a tricky topic depending on who you talk to, Alex and I have decided that for now we'll somewhat adjust to his pickiness. When he is a bit older and we know he understands what we want, and when we can better understand why he won't eat things, we will definitely be more strict with food. For now he's still getting a pretty balanced diet of grains, dairy, proteins, and fruit and veggies. It's just harder because he doesn't eat everything we put in front of him anymore.

Jacob's vocabulary is exploding, and we love getting to be a part of it! He knows a couple dozen words, at least, including cracker, love you, s'cuse me, fishies, medicine, basket, cheese...and a whole bunch more. He is also putting together phrases with sign language as well, such as "milk, please" "eat more" and "all done please". He's good at recognizing things too. He loves to point out babies and ducks in particular.

If I weren't about to have another baby, we would probably be in the beginning stages of potty training with Jacob. He has started to let us know when he has to go potty, and when he needs a diaper change. Pretty much as soon as I am recovered from having baby Chuck, Jacob will start potty training.

Jacob has such a great personality emerging, it is a joy to Alex and I to watch him grow and learn. He seems to be naturally kind and obedient.
Whenever he gets a bump or a smashed finger, or some other "owie" Jacob points whatever body part is hurt to us, and makes a kiss noise so that we know to kiss it better. I started "kissing it better" a few months ago when he was in his klutzy stage and falling all the time. Well I guess it stuck, because I don't have to ask anymore. He definitely lets us know when he needs a kiss.

Speaking of kisses, Jacob is a very sweet child and loves giving kisses to Alex and I and his stuffed animals and toys. Just the other day I was reading him a book, and when I was done he turned and gave me a kiss. It's such a special thing when voluntarily given.

Jacob still loves books, and I enjoy having him bring me a book and getting to snuggle him while reading. It all depends on the day though. Some days we get to read a dozen books, other days we go through his entire library and never get farther than the first few pages of each book.

Jacob is getting a lot better about playing by himself too. He used to need me sitting right there to watch him play, or to help entertain him. Now he will sit and play for an hour or more at a time before needing to come find me. If I ask him to go get his shapes, he brings me his shape box (a bucket with a lid that has shapes cut into it, with shaped blocks to go inside) and we'll play for a while with me asking him to find a certain shape. He definitely knows circle, and is starting to recognize square. He loves trying to force the block into the wrong hole so I say "No, silly!". He busts out laughing every time.

But, because I don't want to make it seem like it's all rainbows and butterflies, here are some of the challenges we have with Jacob.
*He loves to climb. Which wouldn't be a problem if he wasn't still so new at it. Last week he fell and bonked his head, split his lip, and bit his tongue, all in the space of a few hours.

*Jacob loves markers, and pens, and highlighters. And despite being told "no" he still manages to find some and color on himself, or the walls, or the recliner. Mostly himself. You can bet that mommy made him help scrub the walls, and the recliner.

*Jacob also loves Dutch Bros, and he recognizes their logo. He seems to think he should get a hot chocolate every time. And if he doesn't, I can pretty much know with certainty he will throw a tantrum.

*If he's in a bad mood (too tired, usually) Jacob throws tantrums quite easily. His favorite way of doing this is to start sobbing and throw himself belly first into the floor. Sometimes resulting in a bonked nose or forehead.

*And, my main problem with him right now. Jacob has no idea of physical boundaries yet. Mommy is a jungle gym. Period. Knees and elbows and little feet all over my hugely pregnant self  is not comfortable at all. We're still working on him asking to get up, and sitting still when in someone's lap.

Life is crazy and busy and I can't imagine life without our sweet little guy!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Another pregnancy rant

I only have a few more months of these crazy pregnancy hormones! We'll see if I get to go back to being a little less opinionated about everything...but until then, here's a few things that have been bugging me lately.

One of my biggest pet peeves lately has been just lack of consideration by people in general. Maybe I'm becoming cynical and overly sensitive, but it seems like so few people care any more. And I know that's a really generalized rant. I could break it down for you...

Grocery carts. It bugs me that so, so many people don't bother putting their carts in the spaces provided for them, and half the time, when they do they just barely get it into the cart corral. No pushing it into the other cart, no pushing it in past the very entrance, sometimes they even put it on the side where the gate is closed. There's nothing quite like going to the store and turning into a parking spot to find 3 or 4 carts abandoned there....5 yards from the cart corral.

image found via google search
Drivers haven't gotten any better in the past few months. Yesterday a van didn't even come to a stop while waiting for my friend and I to cross the crosswalk (where we had a walk signal)...they came within about a foot of hitting us.

I know I'll probably step on a few toes with this one, so I'm trying to be careful to say this in love...but this particular thing seems to be common among a lot of people and is something that has really started to bug me recently. All the badmouthing and complaining about the President. I know that he hasn't done the greatest job. I know that a lot of people are unhappy with how things are going: that Obama got reelected, that the economy seems to suck, that Obamacare is going into effect, the talk about gun control...but everytime I see another post or share or cartoon about how awful he is I think of these verses in Romans 13:1-7 (NKJV) "Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves. For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same. For he is God’s minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God’s minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil. Therefore you must be subject, not only because of wrath but also for conscience’ sake. For because of this you also pay taxes, for they are God’s ministers attending continually to this very thing. Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor." I know you may say that Obama isn't doing God's work, much less doing a good job, but that doesn't change the fact that God is the one in control, and God is the one who allowed him to be re-elected. Unless the President is trying to make you do something that goes directly against one of God's commands then he still deserves the respect due someone in a position of authority. Regardless of whether you like him or not. I'm not saying you can't disagree with his politics, that you have to fake loving him and approving everything he does. Just stop to think for a few minutes if you are obeying how God commanded you to act concerning the authority He placed over you.

I know, that was a little here's a few sillier ones for you.

It seems like nobody has maternity patterns anymore!

Speaking of maternity...the clothes available are just not made for my body shape, or they're just ugly, or too expensive for something that I will only be able to wear while pregnant. And what's with extra large regular clothes that still only seem big enough for a size 8?

Wal-mart. Nuff said?
They gave me a run-around about a sewing machine for over a week.
It was in stock.
No. Wait.
It was still in the truck, check back tomorrow.
Sorry, it actually wasn't on the truck. But it was available for next day pick-up thru site-to-store.
Cancel that...and cancel your online order.

Finally we went to JoAnn's and bought a machine. And guess what? Yesterday Wal-mart had the one I was planning on getting. I probably ended up with a better quality machine this way.

Shoe shopping. It's frustrating...or maybe I am just way too picky about what I wear?

I thought I was almost done with cleaning and organizing my house before baby comes, but I keep noticing more things I want to get done. Did you ever notice how dirty light switches get? the little "on" and "off" are just dirt encrusted! How do I get that clean again anyway? The tracks on all the windows and doors haven't been cleaned for ages and it's obvious, the paint is chipping off of the screws in the plate covers in almost every room. Is it taking the nesting stage too far to spend $.47 a piece on new switch and outlet covers for the entire apartment? Speaking of dirt build up...the ceiling vents are gross, and the screws are put in crooked. The patching jobs on the wall are atrocious. There is one patch in particular in the master bedroom that looks like someone threw a big splat of plaster against the wall and then painted over it.

See? I told you my hormones are making me a wee bit ridiculous...maybe I need to do a whole post on my obsessive cleaning and organizing the past few months...

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Jacob 15 months.

Some days I look at my baby and I see a little boy...I don't know where the time has gone! But I am so thankful for his chubby legs and elbow dimples, because it reminds me that Jacob is still my baby for just a while longer, and to cherish every minute of it.
So, at 15 months Jacob weighs about 21lbs, and I can tell he's getting taller but I won't have any exact measurements for another week. He is now wearing mostly 12 month clothes and is still in size 3 disposable diapers.

I am proud of my little guy! In the past two months he has gotten through a few big changes and milestones. Jacob is now completely weaned from his pacifier, completely weaned from nursing, and he sleeps in a toddler bed! He has consistently been sleeping through the night...about 10-11.5 hours straight. And in the last week he has decided it's time for only one nap a day. Today is only day two of keeping him up longer before his nap and letting him go without a second one, so we'll see if it is as successful as yesterday.

Jacob is a chatterbox. I really have no idea where he got it from, but he talks constantly. He's learned quite a few words now. He says "bath", "M&M", "medicine", "amen", "shoes", "nigh-night", and "bye-bye". I may be forgetting a few. In sign language he knows "milk", "water", "eat", "all done" and "more".

Alex and I keep finding ourselves amazed at the intelligence of our little guy. Jacob loves to go outside, and he knows we need shoes to go out and play, so he loves to bring Alex and I our shoes and help us put them on. He always brings each person the correct shoes, in matching pairs. And yesterday when I was sitting with one of my feet under me Jacob was getting upset. I finally realized that the foot he was able to get too was the wrong foot for the shoe he had. (We've been trying to point out the difference between left and right every time we dress him and put shoes on him. I guess it's sticking?) A bit later Jacob brought Alex his shoes and Alex said "We're not going to go outside, put the shoe back."
 Jacob started walking toward the livingroom and Alex corrected him, that the shoes go by the kitchen door. I pointed out to Alex that he had told Jacob to put the shoe "back" not "away" and that his shoe had been in the livingroom when Jacob got it. We both just kind of shook our heads in amazement.

There have been so many instances like that where we are just floored at what Jacob knows and understands! Just this morning I had Jacob throw his diaper away, and when he started to put it in the recycling trash can I said "No, the other one." and he switched it to the normal trash can.

Jacob doesn't really have favorite toys. He likes anything to do with household chores, and tools. He now has his own little broom and swiffer and he loves carrying them around the house. Most toys bore him after a short time of playing. If I had to pick I would say his favorite right now is his Little People Noah's Ark.

  Jacob has the sweetest personality any parent could wish for. He loves to share and often offers people bites of his snack or meal, he likes to pick up things and take them to people, he is still very sensitive to anybody getting hurt (or even thinking they are) and lately he has become more of a cuddle bug. He likes sitting on mine or Alex's lap, he gives kisses, and usually wants me to kiss any bump he gets...and he gets a lot of them! Jacob has started carrying around his blanket and every once in a while stops to hug it, and then bring it to Alex or I to feel how soft it is. He also loves stuffed animals, and will hug and kiss on them and carry them around.

He's not without his stubbornness though, and we definitely have our rough days.

I love getting to watch my little guy grow and learn. I feel so blessed with such a sweet, obedient (most of the time) boy. It's amazing to watch him and see him do what we've been teaching him to do -even doing it without knowing we are there. It's been a challenging and a
learning experience to know that we are responsible for what Jacob learns, for training him how to be a godly young man, and that we are the biggest examples he will see of how to live rightly. It's definitely a huge reminder to Alex and I that everything we say and do could influence someone else, but especially our little boy.