Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Busy. My life has been busy. I recently made a new page on facebook. Remember the headbands I have mentioned a few times? I'm now making them available online. Search facebook for "Sewnsations by Sadie" if you want to take a peek. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one with that name. I have been working on getting a lot more headbands made, they are time consuming but I'm getting faster! I love going to the mall and looking at what's in style right now, and I have a few ideas brewing in my head for more headband designs. I'm trying to make some that will appeal to adults more, I don't really want my designs to be considered "kids only".
I'm so new to all of this though! I don't want to update my status on my business page as if everyone wants to know everything about me, but I feel like I need a way to interact more with my fan base. Is it okay to share little blurbs about baby, or what I'm making for dinner? Does it make it seem more professional if I post it with a question about how everyone else's life is going? I feel a bit uncertain. Suggestions anyone???

I was so excited the other day! I had decided to walk to a few stores in town and go window shopping and I found two grab bags full of assorted buttons...for cheap! I bought them both -and have yet to look through them all. I already know I got some good ones: faux fur, bright colored marble discs with copper centers, flower shapes, fancy, elegant, tiny, gems...there are so many of them!

Besides sewing more often, I also suddenly have had my desire to be reading all the time return with a vengeance...and was a bit sad when I didn't find any books I had on my reading list at the library. So, I bought part of a series that is newly popular again because of having recently been made into a tv show. I have the first four books and each one is about 800 pages long. They should keep me busy for a little while.

Also over the past few weeks I'm starting to feel like I look more pregnant...sometimes. Baby has been getting bigger so I can feel him/her more often and I love it! Such a miracle! I think it makes me smile every time, and it's even more special when Alex gets to feel the movement. On Sunday Alex was able to see my tummy bounce out from a kick for the first time. Every other time it's happened he has been gone. It has also become obvious that Berry is gonna take after his/her daddy as far as sleep patterns. S/he doesn't really seem to be awake for the first half of the day -I start getting movement around noon- but loves staying up late!! I have had vigorous kicking as late as 3am. Alex and I are taking advantage of his few weeks between school terms to keep these crazy hours, soon enough we will have to be more reasonable.

Other than that? Well, I have plenty more to write about, but I think this is enough to get you started on feeling up to date. Hopefully soon I can figure out how to link my blog to my business page so that it's easier for all my readers to check out! I hope you all or having a lovely September so far!

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