Friday, August 26, 2011

Berry update! And other baby related thoughts...

Week 21!
How big is baby? Berry is now about 10.5oz and 7 inches long from head to rump. Not a blueberry anymore! I read that a baby bear weighs about 10.5oz when born, so Alex and I joked about shortening baby's nickname to "Bear".
Total weight gain: Not the doctor today (normal doctor, not baby doctor) I weighed about 3 more than my starting weight. So I think I've gained about 7 from my lowest weight?
Maternity clothes? Yes! I am having trouble finding maternity bottoms. I need to go buy some yoga pants or something because the same pair of capris are being worn way too often.
Sleep: I sleep rather well! Though I need more sleep than I used to, and I still occasionally take a nap.
Best moment this week: I was actually able to see movement!
Gender: is still unknown, though when talking to each other Alex and I usually say "he".
Movement: Has been so amazing! Getting very regular. Berry loves to be awake at night, and seems to sleep during the first part of the morning, and again in late afternoon. Right now s/he is actually moving around quite forcefully! Sometimes I will notice movement as late as 2am.
Belly Button in or out? Still in, but Alex has mentioned that it is getting more shallow.
Stretch marks? Mhmm
What I miss: Not much really. I love being pregnant, and I feel healthier than I did before.
What I am looking forward to: Alex getting a chance to see movement. He seems to be gone when it happens. Also looking forward to our next ultrasound, as we will be getting a face shot!
Milestones: I'm past the halfway mark!

I have read quite a bit of debate about the pros and cons of being "team green" versus finding out the baby's sex. So I just thought I would share my reasons for being team green -not finding out sex.
I think the main one is because my mom never found out her babies' sex during any of her pregnancies. I had 4 younger siblings, so I remember the excitement of waiting for my new little brother or sister to be born and then getting to meet them for the first time, and hear what name was chosen. I was only 8 when my youngest sister was born so of course I don't remember any negatives about it. Also it is getting more and more unusual to hear of pregnant women who don't find out the sex..and I like being unusual. Another reason I have is the shopping. So far I have only made 2 purchases for baby Berry. One onesie for each sex (for the homecoming outfit) and one gender neutral onesie. I have been to the baby departments and seen how adorable some of the clothes, toys, bedding, etc are. I would be broke by now if I knew what to buy. And then there is the patience factor. I am the type of person that -once I know what is going to happen, and how- thinks it should be done NOW. So I'm pretty sure that were I to know baby's sex, and see a 3D shot of facial features, and already having the names picked out...I would be far less patient when it comes down to the last few weeks of waiting. Last of all (for now) but definitely not least: I want Alex to be the one to tell me if we have a little girl or a little boy, and I think it will be more meaningful if he finds out for himself versus having a piece of paper from the ultrasound tech.

All that being said...I'm not someone who thinks everyone should try to be team green. If not knowing would stress you out, or if you would be too all means find out! :)


  1. ...Or if baby decides you need to know... :D I would have enjoyed not knowing, but William had other plans. Actually, I enjoyed knowing a lot more than I thought I would. We're just going to keep leaving it up to the baby to be modest - or not. :D Love you!

  2. Oh yeah! I meant to also say that I'm glad you get the surprise! It's going to be fun to get the phone call. I'm looking forward to hearing about my new little niece or nephew.
