Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Catching up...

Last week was busy...and warm. I do not like the heat anymore! I survived though, thanks to air conditioned buildings and cheap, ice cold mountain dew at the fair.

I passed my 20 week mark with baby Berry, and I had a birthday! The day of my birthday some friends of ours took Alex and I out for dinner at Olive Garden. It was very much enjoyed, especially since I had been craving their salad and breadsticks. I had a lovely surprise during the week when a package arrived from one of my dearest friends.
I feel so spoiled!

I got to talk to my dad the other day and it seems he is still slowly improving after his stroke. I wish I were closer to be able to help, but Alex and I pray for him -and those who are there- daily.

My niece had her heart surgery, and is recovering quite well! It has been a blessing to hear of her continued victories over health problems.

And...I really can't think of much else right now. There are a few other things I was thinking of posting, bu I'm leaning towards making separate posts for that. I just wanted to get a quick update published so any readers will know I haven't simply dropped out of the blogging world.

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