Friday, August 5, 2011

Just answering a few questions.

I thought maybe it would be fun to share some of what's happening with me and baby right now. Some women fill this out for every week, but I doubt I'll end up doing that.
My 18 week bump.

Week: 18

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I started out losing weight, so even after having gained a pound, I am -6lbs since I got pregnant.

Maternity Clothes: Definitely! I had to start wearing elastic waistbands at 8 weeks, so I'm not surprised.

Stretch Marks: Haha, yep.

Sleep: I sleep fitfully. I often wake up when I try to turn over. Thankfully I've adjusted much better to not sleeping on my tummy though.

Movement: Yes! It's very exciting because Berry is starting to kick hard enough that I'm certain it's baby, not just my imagination or food settling.

Food Cravings/Aversions: Not really any major cravings. I seem to want pastries a lot, and I still crave coffee often. I seem to have an aversion to pretty much all green veggies except salad, and the stuffed pepper I was craving this week. In other words, it all varies all the time.

Gender: It's completely unknown. Alex and I sometimes refer to Berry as "he". Though I'm not sure whether I actually have any kind of intuition about it, or if I'm being influenced by the larger percentage of people who think it's a boy based on my pregnancy so far.

Belly Button - In or Out: still innie

What I miss: Deli meats, and sleeping through the night...and getting up from our sunken in couch without grunting!

What I am looking forward to: My next ultrasound!

Bit of Wisdom: Hmm, I think the best thing I am still trying to grasp is to enjoy each day of being pregnant and let myself get excited about the baby growing inside me, not wasting time and energy worrying about what could go wrong.

Best Moment of the Week: So far? Earlier today when Berry was kicking really hard and Alex was able to feel it! It was more obviously baby than last time it happened. Berry seemed to be head up and swinging feet at the bottom of my tummy.

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