Thursday, August 18, 2011

Human skunk?

This past winter Alex and I thought we had some sort of problem in our furnace. We would come home from being out all day and as soon as the heater kicked on we would smell skunk. It happened a few times a month, and usually towards night. We couldn't figure out why it wasn't constant if it was in the furnace, so we just assumed that there was, in fact, a skunk living nearby.

The problem stopped for a while, it had been months since we had experienced that skunky smell...then we went on vacation. While Alex was out driving with his brother he mentioned that someone must have hit a skunk recently, because the smell was so strong. His brother promptly pointed to a nearby driver with a marijuana joint. Alex and I both learned something new: marijuana smells like skunk while being burned, and apparently our neighbor is a user.

The smells bother me even more than usual right now because I don't like the idea of baby living around them. The same neighbor is also a cigarette smoker. I have often had to shut a door that was open for fresh air because of second hand smoke. Honestly, I think I would have preferred the skunk...

Ah, the joys of apartment living.


  1. Well isn't that just lovely. :S I remember walking past a house with Dan and commenting that it reeked like garlic.. he stared at me and started laughing. "That's pot!" Once again, we're pretty well twins! lol And someone driving with a joint?? That is a very scary thought. Any chance your neighbor will be moving sometime soon? *hopeful face*

  2. Hehe, we are twins! And no, I don't believe said neighbor has any thoughts of moving out. I try not to complain could be worse!
