Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My busy day

Today started with a dental appointment. I was only slightly nervous about it. But it ended up being worse than I expected!
A bit of back story...I had only had experience with one dentist in my life, and that wasn't until I was 15 or 16. I remember that the cleaning wasn't bad, getting my first fillings wasn't that bad, but then on my last visit the doctor had not let the novocaine set in, and had drilled on a very sensitive tooth...which later got an abscess and needed pulled. Leaving me with a fear of ever needing any sort of drilling done on my teeth.

Today they started me with x-rays. For my first experience with dental x-rays I had to bite a stick and a machine circled my head taking pictures, but this time they had to take a dozen or so still shots by putting a film attached to a metal rod in my mouth and making me bite down on it. It hurt my mouth very badly! The films were cutting into the tender skin on the roof of my mouth and under my tongue, and the lady kept saying that I have a shallow palette. I was relieved when that was finished, but then I was told I would be getting a cleaning. The initial exam didn't hurt, but when they started using the tiny drill to get rid of plaque...*shudders* It was awful. I was told that my teeth weren't that bad for not having seen a dentist in about 6 years, but I have four cavities that need filled, the pregnancy has caused some slight inflammation of the gums, and they want to pull my wisdom teeth (which are not bothering me) as soon as possible after my baby is born. Which, added to the checkup and possible second cleaning in December, makes another 3 or 4 appointments coming up. I wasn't thrilled when I heard that. Seven hours later my whole head hurt, I couldn't chew, and it hurt my jaw to talk -just from a cleaning. I'm a bit terrified.

The good part of today was that I had my 20 week ultrasound (even though I'm at 19 weeks) The ultrasound tech was very careful about not letting Alex and I see baby's private parts, she even turned the big screen off a few times, so we are still gonna be surprised by the sex. It was so neat to be able to see Berry again. S/he has gotten so much bigger! I've been feeling pretty regular movement for about a week now, so it was pretty awesome to see the baby move at the same time as I felt it. I was a bit surprised that not all of what I feel is feet kicking, some of it is just bounces. We got to see and hear the heart beating, see the brain, the spinal cord, feet, legs, hands, and arms. But when it was time to get a good shot of the face Berry had decided to take a nap face down. No amount of bumping, talking, or moving would get him/her to flip over. So the tech told us we would just use it as an excuse to get another ultrasound next month. So she had us pick out a tiny crocheted hat and we were on our way. I'm pretty excited we'll have the chance to see baby again so soon! I asked about my weight gain at my appointment following the u/s. Because of wording I'm not sure if I have gained 2 lbs back from my lowest weight, or if I have gained 2 lbs total from my starting weight. Either way I feel its a pretty good way to start. Baby is growing fine, so I'm not really worried even if I don't gain any weight.

Other than that there isn't much new. Although, this week I find that cheez-itz/cheese nips/ baked cheese crackers....whichever name you recognize them by...are amazing! My new favorite snack.

So I'll sign off with the one quick shot we got of Berry's face. Isn't s/he a cutie?


  1. Dentists are nerve wracking for some reason. I went to one guy for awhile who would crack a joke just as he was putting the needle in my gums...thats not fun, even though I laughed every time...(thats why it was not fun) :P better to get your wisdom teeth out before having problems, but some dentists want to take them out just because...don't worry to much. Can't wait to meet baby Berry!

  2. You should find a better dentist...seriously. Brent has a super-sensitive mouth, and has usually come home from the dentist with a sore mouth from anything - especially cleanings - but when I took him to my dentist, for the first time in his life, it wasn't that way. So I would strongly suggest finding one that doesn't leave you in great pain!

    And how exciting to get to see Berry again! :-) Can't imagine what it's like to see a child growing inside yourself... :)

  3. Aww! Sorry I forgot to ask about the dentist. I was just too excited about Berry pics! :D

  4. Dentist - no excuses for causing that much pain. Wisdom teeth? They're just looking for extra income. Don't get them pulled until necessary. That's like getting an appendectomy cuz its there.

    Baby - Cute!! Can't wait to see him!! or her... :)
