Thursday, October 20, 2011

Baby update, and life.

It has been a while since I did a baby update, so I thought I might take the time this evening, just in case anyone is interested :)

How big is baby? At 29 weeks the average baby is about 15 inches long, and weighs almost 2 and a half pounds. I can say for sure that baby is getting big enough that when s/he stretches I can feel and see it.
Total weight gain: ~20lbs. I'm thankful that my doctor has specifically said that she is more concerned with health than numbers on a scale. And I passed my glucose test with flying colors! So I'm trying not to feel bad about gaining more than I wanted to...I can work on getting rid of it once baby is here.
Maternity clothes? Honestly I'm getting tired of wearing what feels like the same 5 outfits over and over. But, at least now people can actually tell I'm pregnant!
Sleep: Some nights I sleep very well, other nights I toss and turn all night. It usually helps to have the room slightly chilly.
Best moment this week: Even though it is slightly uncomfortable, I love when Berry stretches out. Basing my assumptions on the last few ultrasounds and the way my tummy gets stretched, Berry's favorite way to stretch out is with the back of his/her head on the right side of my belly button, and I can usually feel the legs (I think) all the way to under my left arm. It made Alex and I laugh the other night because my tummy looked so distorted.
Gender: is still unknown, though when talking to each other Alex and I usually say "he".
Is very regular, and tends to be more hyper and strong in the evening and around bedtime.
Belly Button in or out?
Still in, barely
Stretch marks?
Mhmm, and I seem to be getting more of them daily.
What I miss: Actually, I miss my long hair. I want my bangs to grow out so I can keep them out of my face, and I want to put my hair in a ponytail.
What I am looking forward to: actually meeting the baby! As far as things not concerning pregnancy, one of my best friends will be arriving tomorrow and I'm really excited about it!!
Milestones: Umm, I don't know of any major ones. I think that by this point all that's left for baby to do is layer on the fat and get a bit bigger. And s/he must be developing stronger bones because I have been drinking a lot of milk.

I still haven't really had any consistent cravings. Life cereal usually makes me pretty happy, and I no longer want pizza every other meal. The last few days I had been craving pancakes and my sweet husband made some for me this morning.
My belly is getting bigger a lot faster than it was, and I actually feel like I look pregnant sometimes, though I still forget on occasion and try to sit up too fast, which causes a weird pull in my tummy.
Pretty much my one complaint with the whole pregnancy is that the hormones seem to have caused dry patches of skin on my face that will sometimes itch like crazy. The dr prescribed cortisone, which I have been using to keep it from getting terrible, but there are still some days when I look like I have been through a war because of all the red splotchiness around and under my eyes.

29 week belly!
In other news...

Today Alex and I took KitKat in to get him declawed. I felt so terrible! KitKat has always been an inside cat, leaving the house all of 2 times in his life. Once when he was neutered, and once when Alex and I moved him here. He was so lost and frightened and was crying the whole way to the vet. I felt like crying too, but decided that the last thing Alex needed before 8 in the morning was a scared, crying cat, and a crying, hormonal, pregnant woman in the vet's office.  We get to pick KitKat up tomorrow and I am really hoping he isn't too traumatized.

Today after Alex got home from school he also helped me re-arrange the livingroom. He'll be moving his school desk out here for now, because we don't think it will work to have it stay in the baby's room. We were going to just leave it in there longer, but with my friend Christa staying here for a week in the spare room, we figured now would be a good time. (Plus, I'm just a bit impatient to feel like I have something completely ready for the baby. Because right now there isn't one thing we have fully done,lol.)  Also we have a new, smaller, dining room table, and we got bar stools for the breakfast bar. I like the way it turned out!

I guess that's all for now. It had been a while since I've updated, and I was actually sort of in a writing mood tonight. Maybe someday I'll get back to writing more often...but I'm not making any promises!

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