Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Cleaning...It's pretty much like therapy to me.

I can have days that I am really frustrated and stressed and nothing seems to be going right, but all I need is 5 minutes to make my bed, load the dishwasher, wipe off the counters, straighten couch cushions...and I already feel almost 100% better! I think it's being able to see that my actions are making an impact in some way. That and clutter and messes can stress me out with out anything else being wrong.

I also love to be organized. There's just something about having neat rows of labeled boxes, rather than who-knows-what being placed who-knows-where. Which means I have this bad habit of buying storage boxes and collapsible cloth bins, and saving clear containers and jars, etc. without having a specific use for them in mind. Oh well, as long as my hubby doesn't mind my partial obsession with neatness and cleanliness, I'll use it as a cheap and easy way to keep my sanity.
Speaking of which, I should go clean the livingroom while Jacob is sleeping...

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