Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Jacob these days.

 Jacob is now six and a half months old!! It seems crazy how fast the time is going.

Six months!
He hasn't been weighed or measured lately, but I know he's growing! Jacob is now wearing pretty much all 3-6 month clothes.
It seems like more of a personality emerges every day, and we love getting to experience it! Jacob is a little bit dramatic, about everything. He goes from extremely happy and smiley to sobbing if something goes wrong. But now that he has stopped teething (without any coming through) he is usually a happy baby and laughs and smiles a lot. He loves people and will smile at pretty much anyone, especially if they tell him he's cute.

Jacob has hit a few different milestones just in the past few weeks. One day he was playing on his back and when Alex and I looked back at him he was on his tummy! After all this time waiting for him to roll over we missed it. But now he rolls over all the time, even in his crib at night! He doesn't like rolling back over to his back though, I think it feels like too sudden of a movement to him. Jacob hates being off-balance.
Once he started sitting up in his bath, it seemed like siting up on his own just clicked for Jacob. He now sits up on his own for long periods of time, I think the longest has been about an hour. He just sits in the middle of the floor playing with his toys, and balances really well! He has only toppled over a handful of times.

Sleep has still been a problem. It's been over 3 months now that Jacob wakes up anywhere from 2-7 times a night, or more. Monday night he was up at least once per hour until 5am, when he finally slept until 8. We're going to be working on this problem over the next few weeks though, and hopefully next time I will have a positive update! I also want to work on weaning him from his paci at night.

Jacob loves food! He gets one 4oz jar of veggies with some rice cereal in the evenings, and has just started getting a little bit of fruit in the mornings. So far the only thing he has refused to eat is banana! His favorites are avocado, squash, sweet potato, or a frozen strawberry in his mesh feeder.

There are so many little things I love about Jacob, I can't even try to write them all, but I will share a few of my favorites...even though I know he is so much cuter, sweeter, and more wonderful in person.

*When he thinks something is funny Jacob tries to smile so big that he looks like he wants to take a bite out of something.
BIG smile!!
*Jacob is independent to the extreme. He wants to be able to feed himself, but doesn't quite have the motor skills necessary yet. Which makes feeding a rather messy affair more often than not. Oh, and he likes to talk with food in his mouth, which equals a spray of whatever pureed veggie he is eating at the time. I know I shouldn't laugh.

*One of the times Jacob was getting upset about us not feeding him fast enough we gave him the bowl and spoon...he threw the spoon and proceeded to drink the rice cereal. We managed to get a picture!

*Burping is hilarious, it will get a big grin from him every time...unless it's so loud and sudden it makes him cry.

*Jacob hates violence...even if it's just a group of teenagers having a tickle war, when he thinks someone is being hurt he starts bawling.

*Jacob wants to move forward but doesn't know how. When he's on his tummy and you call for him, he picks up his arms and legs and grunts.
Being a bookworm runs in the family

I love these two guys!!


  1. He's just getting cuter! I can't believe he's 6 months old already! Also, I think the fact that he dislikes when he thinks someone is getting hurt is sweet. William laughs when he sees fights on TV. However, if someone is crying - even a baby at the table next to us in the restaurant - he's distraught until he's sure they're okay.

  2. Well, not to discourage you, but Ezra didn't sleep through the night and woke up frequently until he was 19 months old!!!!! Hang in there girl, it does get better!!!
