I posted this quiz/survey thingy on my facebook January 15 of 2009. I thought it would be neat to re-post it, and to put my current answers in
italics beside the old ones. A few years can change a lot!
Then |
Now |
ONE - Spell your name without vowels: Sd
Still Sd
TWO - Are you single? Yes
I am not! I have been very happily married for 7 months now.
THREE - Whats your favorite number? 2, 8, 15
2, 8, 15, 9, and 12.
FOUR - What color do you wear most? Pink
I think probably black, or green.
FIVE - Least favorite color? Black
I still don't really like black.
SIX - What are you listening to? My oldies playlist, right now it's playing "September" by Earth Wind & Fire
I'm listening to my iTunes. It's playing "Love You out Loud" by Rascal Flatts
SEVEN - What do you smoke? Nothing
I still don't smoke. Though I think it would be awesome to learn how to smoke fish. I had an amazing smoked salmon wrap at a restaurant once and I would love to make one.
EIGHT - Are you happy with your life right now? Yes!
NINE - Anyone ever said you resemble a celebrity? Yeah, I really don't know who though.
Yes I have. I think my brother said I look a bit like Natalie Portman. I don't think I do.
TEN - What is your favorite class in school? I'm not in school right now :D
I'm not in school.
ELEVEN - Do you shop at hollister/abercrombie/American Eagle? Nope.
No I don't. I'm too much of a cheapskate :)
TWELVE - How do you make money? Babysitting, I occasionaly sell a painting.
I haven't made money in a while! Last time I did was from baking a cake.
FOURTEEN - Where did you go to school? Home-schooled
I was home-schooled.
FIFTEEN - Are you outgoing? It depends on whether I'm online or in person. I am online, and in person it depends on if I have had sleep or not.
I'm still not very outgoing, but I am a lot more than I used to be.
SIXTEEN - One word to describe you? Complicated
Right now? I think "hopeful"
SEVENTEEN - Favorite pair of shoes? flip flops
My high heeled black boots.
EIGHTEEN - Do you own big sunglasses? Nope
I don't! I don't think they look very attractive, especially on me!
NINETEEN - Where do you wish you were right now? I'm actually happy where I am...honestly... it would be cool to have some friends join me though
I am so happy where I am right now.
Although, it is getting late, perhaps I should move to bed?
TWENTY - What should you be doing right now? Nothing else. I already finished my chores :D
Sleeping, hehe.
TWENTY ONE - Do you have a crush on anyone right now? Eh, nope
A huge crush!!!
Q: How many times have you had your heart broken?
A: None really
I have only felt heartbroken for other people, and that has happened a lot...but I'm pretty sure that's not what this question was trying to ask.
Q: Have you ever loved someone so much that you'd die for them?
A: I think so. I would rather be dead than try to live without the people I love.
Indeed, I can honestly say that I would be quite willing to die for my husband. And for my God, if it ever came to that.
Q: Has anyone besides your friends and family ever said 'I love you' to you?
A: Umm, not that I can think of.
Who would say it besides friends and family? I think that it is still a no.
Q: Does the person you like know you like him?
A: Ha, my friends? I wouldn't be their friends if I didn't like them.
I should hope so! I love telling him just how much I love him. I'm pretty sure everyone else knows it too.
What is your current hair color? Dark blonde, it'll get lighter come summer.
My hair is still dark blonde. The other day I matched it to a box of hair dye that was called "Latte".
Current piercings? One in each ear
Still only one in each ear.
Have any tattoos? Nope
No tattoos
Straight hair or curly? Straight
My hair is very straight. Apparently, I'm not much into changing my natural looks.
Hugged someone? Absolutely
Often! I love hugs :D
Been on the phone until the sun came up? Nope
Hmm, I still have not.
I have however, spent 6 and a half hours on the phone with one person.
Laughed so hard you peed in your pants? Nope
Thankfully, still a no.
Laughed so hard you cried? Once, I think
A few times!
Got in a fight with someone? Yeah
I have. I didn't admit last time that I have been in physical fights with my brother. I haven't been in a fight for quite some time though.
Person you talked to in person? Heidi
Person you talked to online? Elisabeth maybe, it might have been Tanner...
That would be Heidi :)
Do you know how to swim? Not very well.
Nope, not any better than I used to.
Do you like roller coasters? love them!
I very much enjoy roller coasters!! I haven't been on one in ages!
Do you own a bike? nope
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows? *shrugs*
I'm not sure. I've eaten some pretty weird things just so I could say I have.
Have you ever been on a plane? Yes
Quite a few times, actually.
Have you ever been asked out by someone? Nope
I have! Can you guess what my answer was?
Have you ever been to the Ocean? I might have when I lived in VA, I don't remember that far back.
Once that I can remember. It wasn't that great of a trip. I hope Alex and I can go sometime so I can have happy memories of the ocean.
How many of your facebook friends have you met in person? Ummm...*counts* 89 of 101
*Goes to do a re-count* 193 of 214
How tall are you? 5' 2.5"
Last I was at the doctor I measured 5 feet and 2 and a quarter inches.
How long have you liked your someone? I don't think I have a someone
Romantically? Since about the beginning of November2009.
What are you listening to? It's now playing "The Wanderer" by Dion
"When the Stars Go Blue" by Tim McGraw
What is the weather outside? *sings* "sunny with a high of 75" Actually, I have no idea.
Probably a bit chilly since it's nighttime.
What radio station do you listen to? 102.7 or 88.7
It changes often. Every time commercials start I change the station.