Friday, April 29, 2011

Out in the work force...

 Lately I have been thinking about looking for a job. It's kind of a scary idea at times! I have had many jobs, but never one in the actual taxpaying workforce. The idea of having to learn to do something new and possibly mess up in front of people I don't know is probably the scariest part though. And then there's trying to know what I would be good as: waitress? Cashier? Janitorial staff? Burger flipper?

The jobs I have had aren't really very usual.

I've been a church janitor, during which I discovered that the men's bathroom is the worst room to have to clean. Period.

I was a stable hand: mucking stalls, feeding horses, pushing wheelbarrows, laying sawdust. That was a job I actually really enjoyed! Hard labor isn't something I try to avoid.
Me at 17, I had just finished a couple hours of mucking stalls.

I've helped with cemetery landscaping. I think one of my most memorable experiences with that was when the lawnmower battery blew and we got showered in acid. Definitely wasted no time showering after that day's work. That was also the job I had when I got sun poisoning on my back and shoulders.
First day on the landscaping job and I came home looking like got worse.

One of the dirtiest jobs I ever helped with was roofing! I got to pick up all the shingles, nails, and debris off of the ground.

So what do you think I would be good at? Any hints for an inexperienced girl trying to get a job?


  1. I think you should go for something "behind the scenes", like cook, or janitor, etc. Maybe a cashier or a waitress, but you'd have to pull out your people skills. :D

  2. How about a helper at construction sites or stablehand? that sounds more like you than the typical first-time jobs. How about truck driver? (wait, that would mean being away from home too much. never mind.)

  3. I think you could do any entry-level-type (not gonna be the CEO just yet!) job you wanted to. Waitress I think you'd want to be less-shy than what you've said you're like in person...but if you could pull out how you are online and make it be your waitress-self, too, you could do quite fine. Cashier can be a good job for becoming more outgoing - initially all you have to be able to do is smile and have the same 3-sentence small talk with every customer. :P As time goes on, you'll learn to be a lot more chatty. For me, being a cashier was the best thing I could've done for my people skills!

    Don't worry too much about messing up in front of people. Everyone messes up when they're new to the job. Whoever your trainer is? S/he messed up a LOT when s/he started. The customer in front of you? Yup, they've messed up, too! As for the person standing a few feet away snickering, it's just 'cause you remind them of themselves when they started work.

    Give yourself room to breathe (which I struggle to do, too...), and you'll be great at whatever job you get. :)

  4. Got it. So pretty much I could be good at any job I out my mind to, as long as I work on my people skills and am not afraid of messing up at first :) I will keep your advice in mind!

    And Daddy, I was just telling someone the other day how scary it would be for me to drive a semi..I would be so scared of smooshing the little cars I would have to share the road with!!
