Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Scattered thoughts

 I haven't really written much lately, maybe because I don't really feel like I have much worthwhile to say right now. I have been really happy that the weather has been starting to feel like spring, and yet unhappy at the same time. Spring is my favorite season! I love the warmth, the new growth, the flowers, baby birds, seeing more people out walking and enjoying the sun, the occasional thunderstorms and how it smells afterward. So I know what you're probably thinking "So why is it making you unhappy too?" Well, the fact that it is April and I still haven't gotten my driver's license makes me feel like I have been quite lazy. I'm a procrastinator, and I do not like driving. However, I need to get an I.D. with my married name on it, and I know that it would be a good thing to be legally allowed to drive myself should the need arise. Also, I put on weight over the past year...enough weight that none of my summer clothes fit anymore. Yes, I have been trying to lose weight, but as slow as it's going I feel like I'm going to spend this coming summer reverted back to how I was when I was in my early teens. Hiding in long pants and skirts and t-shirts all summer because of how I feel about my body. Not a happy way to spend those warm sunny days. But..enough rambling on that subject.

It's getting rather late and I should be headed to bed. This college term Alex has classes a few hours earlier than last term, so we aren't able to sleep in as long...which means we shouldn't stay up as late. Hopefully tomorrow I will have a better idea of how to put things I have been thinking about into words.


  1. aww, don't hide! you're still beautiful! go on out to ross and get some cute outfits that fit well. :D I love you!

  2. Thank you! New outfits really aren't in the budget right now. Maybe I'll be able to make some though. I'm really hoping that my weight will start going down a bit faster by then..love you too!
