Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Fuzzy photos.

Because I have mentioned the apartment re-arranging a few times over the past few days, I decided to post a few pictures..sort of the in between stage, and the finished product. You'll have to excuse the fuzziness though, they were taken with my phone because I was sharing my progress with a long-distance friend. Anyway, here they are!

 First up is the spare room/ guest bedroom/ schoolroom/ TV room
This is just part of the mess. I had already put away quite a bit of stuff.

We had already taken the twin bed down and replaced it with the full-size.

After! Everything stashed neatly in the closet, bed frame put in storage, etc.
The other half of the closet.
The entertainment center and Alex's school desk
The new, bigger bed.
  So what do you think? I know there's quite a bit in there, but I don't think it ended up feeling too crowded.

Master bedroom. What I didn't get shots of were the closet and the other set of mattresses up against the wall.


The closet is much better organized now..even if there is a rather large hope chest in it, hehe

 That is all! Now you know what I was doing the last few days. Having it summed up so easily in such grainy little pictures makes me feel like it should have been a lot less work.

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