Monday, April 11, 2011

It makes me smile.

Sometimes I have the tendency to dwell on the bad things I am dealing with and I've noticed that it affects my attitude in a negative way: I start getting grumpy and depressed, I lack motivation, I lack energy, I start getting annoyed at small things, I get frustrated and cry a lot...and so on. I don't want to be like that, so I have been trying to pay more attention to what I do, say, and think -and how it affects my attitude. Anyway, when I really take the time to stop and think about it, it becomes more than clear to me that I have no room to be ungrateful, no room to complain, and lots of room to improve my attitude and how I deal with things.  Here are a few things that have made me very happy lately :)

* My husband. Maybe you get tired of hearing it, but I haven't gotten tired of saying it! I have been so blessed by the man I married. He's a Christian man who is strong in his faith, he teaches me things I had never considered or even really thought about before. He's kind and considerate and sweet. He's super smart. And he's really handsome. I'm still amazed that I get to spend the rest of my life with him.

* Our home. It's cozy, and warm, and yes -maybe the door has gaps at the bottom that let in cold air, but I'm very grateful that Alex and I have this wonderful place to live.

* Good news! Our elderly neighbor right across the yard was very excited to tell Alex and I that she is now cancer free! She mentioned that it has all been God's working. Now I feel a bit ashamed that I am such a homebody and never really introduced myself to her, or knocked on her door just to say hi or anything. Perhaps it's something else I can do in my spare time?

* KitKat. Really, he makes me smile often.

*I started sketching again. Just for fun I designed a few dresses for a dear friend.
Copyrighted. Please do not use without permission.
What about you: What makes you smile? What are you grateful for lately?


  1. Yay for smiles! I am really glad to see you sketching again! :D

    Let's see...what makes me smile? My guys, my family, lots of things, but my guys would be the biggest. what am I grateful for? My Salvation, my guys, my church family, my home, that Grandma got to meet William, our working car, a new outfit for Sundays. :D

    I love you!

  2. Thanks :) It was the book you gave me that inspired me! I should work on more.

    Sounds like a wonderful list of blessings! Ooh, a new outfit? Can I get a picture?

    Love you too!
