Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Dear Sadie

 I know it's a little bit cliche, but have you ever thought about what you wish someone would have told you (or that you wish you had listened to) when you were younger? Do you ever think about the mistakes you made? the small or unimportant things you obsessed over or worried about?  Now, don't get me wrong! Even given the chance to erase the pain and struggles, to skip the hurt, to change the past; I wouldn't. The risk of not having learned those lessons, and not ending up where I am now is too great. However, I think I'll share some of what I have been thinking about, perhaps it will help someone else out there who happens to stumble across my blog.

Dear younger Sadie,
 * Don't rush. You will grow up in normal time, you will learn, and have responsibilities...and if you hurry through it, you'll wonder why you didn't stop and take the time to enjoy life without all that stress. Maybe you were made to grow up too soon, but you can still take opportunities to be carefree. Take a walk in the sunshine...a slow walk with no destination in mind. Stop and watch the bee that's crawling around on that bright yellow dandelion. Get dressed up for no reason. Find your favorite song on the radio and sing along without caring what you sound like, just have fun with it. While it is mostly a learning and growing process, childhood is meant to be enjoyed!

* You know those other kids in school/ youth group/ Sunday school? The ones who everyone seems to like, or that everyone wants to be? They most likely have times when they think you have it better, and wish they could be more like you. And you know what? If the reason they don't talk to you or invite you as part of their group is because you dress a little different, or are a little bit overweight, or maybe have drastically different interests than them? They're really not the people who would be good friends to you anyway.

* It's really not true that everyone is always just waiting for you to slip up. It's okay to try new things and mess up, to say something that everyone doesn't agree with. It's okay to just be you, it's a fact that not everyone will like you, but there's no need to hide or try to change who you are. 

* You know how badly you think you want a boyfriend even though you're only 15 or 16? Well, it'll be a few more years. Don't waste your time obsessing over it, and the guy with the cute smile? Stop wondering if he's "the one" because if you aren't careful you'll suddenly realize that you wasted a year or more worrying about it, and that he's not even the kind of person you thought he was. Besides, being married now and knowing that your husband is the only man you ever truly loved this way, the only one you ever dated, the only one you ever said "I love you" to, the only one you ever kissed or held hands with: it's one of the most amazing feelings you'll ever experience. Yes, crushes are normal, interest in the opposite sex is normal -but enjoy the time you have a single person. Use it as a learning time, and spend it becoming the best person you can be on your own. 

 * You're watching the siblings again today, that doesn't really make you their mother. Just this once maybe you should stop nagging about the chores. Take a break from "mini-mother" mode and be their sister. Believe me, you have a lot of fun when you all just relax, you'll laugh more than you have in months. And don't forget to tell them how much you love them, how special and wonderful each of them is in their own way. It'll only be a short time before you move across the country and you'll miss them so much it hurts sometimes.

* As much as you are going through right now, as hurtful as things seem sometimes, as bad as you think you have it: it'll be alright. Later on you'll have such a heart for wanting to help others who are hurting, and you know what? It'll seem like every time someone talks to you when they're struggling you'll honestly be able to tell them "I know what you mean.", "I've been through that.", or "I know how that feels" and be able to give them even a small piece of advice, or just the comfort of knowing they are talking to someone who has been through it.

* Never forget: even when you feel alone just turn to the One who created you, He knows what you're going through, He also is right there with you, ready to help you and guide you as you lean on Him. He has an amazing plan for you! You'll see what I mean...