Wednesday, June 22, 2011

It's officially summer!

Yesterday was the first day of summer. And I finally believed it! With weather up in the nineties it was pretty obvious. I think that the heat may be hard for me to handle this year, I only have to be out in the sun for a few minutes and I start to radiate the heat from my skin -it's been the strangest thing. But, I was able to warm up my hubby when he got chilled indoors yesterday. Even with the heat affecting me so strongly there are so many things I love about summer!

* The sunshine
* Flowers. Mom has the most beautiful rose bushes and she lets Alex and I cut some and take them home. The light pink ones smell sooo good! And we found some irises on a friends dirt fill pile. They let us take one home and it has had two new buds bloom.
* People watching. Let's face it, many people are very strange! A concert in the park yesterday was the perfect opportunity to just sit and observe.
* Free concerts! One of the parks in my area hold a free concert every Tuesday night all summer long. They have vendors and bouncy castles set up too, so it's almost like a mini fair.
* Evening walks. much more enjoyable when I'm not getting chilled to the bone by the fall wind.
* Crickets, though annoying if you focus on the sound too long, I think they sound happy.
* Flip flops...pretty much an addiction, and awesome for showing of my toe rings.
* BBQs. Because it's just not the same to eat an indoor grilled hot dog.

I'm sure I could come up with more...but I don't want to be inside on the computer all day! What do you enjoy about summer?

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy the cool(er) nights after the hot days, the lightning bugs, the thunder storms, running in the rain, and the beautiful flowers, to name just a few. :D
