Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Suddenly summer is here. Up until two days ago it has been rather rainy here and not getting up past 65 degrees. Now it's quite warm and sunny, and Alex has about a month off from school! So we have been trying to fill our days with fun things. Sleeping in, fresh strawberries with my -successful- first ever attempt at making angel food cake, browsing through thrift stores, people watching, helping Grandma with home improvement projects, and an afternoon at the park today. I love the sunshine! Even though I tend to get overheated pretty quickly.

I was told this afternoon that I have been slacking in my blog writing, and my sweet husband is quite right. I've gotten in a writing slump and seem to have suddenly run out of things to say. So I'm hoping that after a few of these rambling posts I'll be able to get back in the swing of things.

Life is good right now. Alex passed spring term with flying colors. (His full report card hasn't been published yet, but I'm rather sure he has almost all -if not all- "A"s) And though he will be taking summer classes, they don't start right away, and he's taking a lighter load than the last two terms. As for me, I am happy that I finally have my driver's license. (though I've only driven by myself 3 times in the 2 months I've had it) I've actually lost a tiny bit of weight and was told that the loss is noticeable in my face. And I'm feeling happy and healthy and excited about life.

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