Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The whole story.

I have been meaning to write again for a few days now! It always seems to be put off til later though. So I'm finally sitting myself down to write this long overdue blogpost.

I have to admit..I have been keeping a secret: I'm pregnant! I didn't want to share the news until we made it past 12 weeks safely. Remember this post? Well, the full story is that I was experiencing symptoms that could be miscarriage, or not. The day I found out my grandma died I went in to the pregnancy care center here in town for an ultrasound. At that point I was supposed to be about 10 weeks along. In the ultrasound they only saw a gestational sack at about 6 and a half weeks, with no sign of a baby. All the signs seemed to point to a blighted ovum...also known as a failed pregnancy. I was devastated. I still had no definite answer as to whether the baby was okay or not, though not seemed more likely. It was another week before my doctor's appointment and during that time I came to terms with both possibilities (as mentioned in the post I linked to) When I did get to talk to my doctor she could tell how worried I was and went ahead and did an abdominal ultrasound before the rest of the appointment. I think I held my breath when she put the gel on my tummy. I was so anxious to know for sure, but a little bit scared what the results would be. Not 5 seconds after she put the wand on the gel she said "There's the baby!" My little berry measured at 8 weeks and 2 days with a strong heartbeat. Everything was fine!

My pregnancy symptoms have been very mild, for which I am very grateful! I was extremely tired a lot of the time for a few weeks and took multiple naps during the day, and I had very strong food aversions. I didn't get sick at all, but the idea of eating most foods made me feel a bit nauseated. My older sister is convinced I'm having a boy because all I wanted the first month was french fries, milkshakes, pizza, and chocolate milk.

I'm already showing quite a bit, though I have lost weight since being pregnant. Alex and I are both very excited! I am now 13 weeks along, and have had two more ultrasounds showing baby berry getting bigger all the time, and looking quite healthy! We announced the news to everybody last Thursday, so no more secrets! Part of the reason I have had a hard time writing is because so much of what I have been doing has something to do with Berry.

So, to answer some of the usual questions:
I am 13 weeks along today.
Due date is January 3rd, 2012
We will not be finding out the sex of baby
Yes, we have names picked out already :D
No, I haven't wanted pickles and ice cream. My cravings haven't been so much weird as they have been specific. For a while it was cherry 7up! Don't seem to have any right now though. Perhaps salad..

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