Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Such a miracle!

This morning I was just waking up when it felt like the side of my tummy jumped a little bit. I'm sure it's probably normal for pregnant women, but it seems I am always wondering how Berry is doing, if s/he is growing properly, if everything is going well, etc. I personally think it's what causes the affliction of "baby brain". Anyway, I wanted to know if what I felt was Berry moving, so when my mom called me this morning I thought it was the perfect opportunity. After all-she has had 8 children! When I asked her she said that at first it would just feel rather like a gas bubble, but as baby gets bigger I will be more and more certain what it is. Now maybe I'm the only person to have this problem...but I'm not at all certain what "like a gas bubble" would feel like. So I texted my sister, since her baby is just over 6 months old I assumed she may have a different description. She told me that it may feel more like a muscle twitch at first. When I described what I had felt she said it sounded pretty certain it was my precious baby moving. She added that I shouldn't worry if I don't feel it again for a few days at a time. There is still plenty of room for Berry to bounce around without bumping me.

Alex surprised me by having switched classes at school, and he got home almost 2 hours early! We spent a wonderful evening together and around 9pm when a thunderstorm started, we went outside to sit on our front stoop to watch it. Thunderstorms awe me. Such a display of power and beauty! While we were sitting there I felt my tummy jumping around again, so I leaned over to Alex and told him "I think Berry is moving again! I don't think you would be able to feel it from the outside yet though." So Alex out his hand on my tummy and said "It feels like something is tapping on my hand!!" It was such an amazing moment. At this point in my pregnancy I sometimes barely even feel pregnant, and to have that experience..and for Alex to be able to share in it too. I just felt so overwhelmed, so very blessed.

Tomorrow marks week 16. In a matter of 8 Weeks Berry has gone from the size of a raspberry, to somewhere between the size of an orange and an avocado.

I haven't really been having a consistent craving...except coffee, which I haven't been drinking for almost 10 months now, so I keep resisting that one. I wanted a cherry turnover earlier this week, and ice cold coke has really kept me from avoiding soda as much as I was planning to. I think I have actually started to gain weight, I get hungry a lot more often than I had been.
I still seem to be growing slowly, though not as much as I expected. I think my bump is bigger than average by this point though. It has become a bit of an ordeal to get myself out of bed in the mornings. It'll probably become quite amusing once I get even bigger. I have finally started to get used to sleeping on my sides rather than my tummy -a huge struggle the first month.

That's all I can think of for now!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Welcome to my afternoon!

All of my headband supplies!


All the headbands that still need flowers...about 47 I believe.

Some of my materials

And, the headbands that are already done.

I'm going to spend my afternoon trying to make the stack of finished headbands increase in size. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I keep forgetting..

One of my projects over the last few weeks was to design a little logo for a poker run an acquaintance is putting on. He and his wife are trying to raise the money to build a new animal shelter. Since the name of the event is "Hawgs for Dawgs", the request was for a cartoonish basset hound on a Harley. Call me blonde, but it wasn't until a few days after I started the project that while talking to my hubby I finally figured out that Harleys are called 'hogs'. No wonder at last year's "Bears and hogs" themed county fair it was bears and motorcycles! Haha. I wondered why I didn't see any pigs....

Anyway, here's the finished art. I was pretty happy that I actually picked up my sketching again, even if it was just for one project...and obviously cartoon isn't my strong point.

PS I don't know why it's uploading the photo so big...I told it to go small!

Monday, July 11, 2011

A little bit of everything.

So this weekend Alex and I went rafting with some friends. Last year I got a third degree burn from the sun, so we made sure I slathered sunscreen on. Apparently I didn't get enough though, I have one bright red stripe on my back, and my left knee got burnt. I guess I have very sensitive skin. The trip was fun though! I got tired out pretty fast and didn't do much rowing, I was also ravenously hungry and ended up going through one set of rapids rowing with all my might...while holding an apple in my mouth. I think the most heart stopping moment of the whole day was after we had gone through the last set of rapids, I looked behind me for Alex -who was in a single person kayak- and saw his kayak upside down! It was the longest few seconds I have ever experienced before his head popped up into view. He was just fine though, and was able to save everything that was in the kayak except for his glasses and a t-shirt.
The river we were on...not my picture

Have you ever heard of BCGs? (Boot camp glasses, aka birth control glasses) If not you should find a google image of them...because that's what Alex has had to wear the past two days. Somehow he makes them look rather trendy though! Tomorrow our goal is to have his eyes checked and get some new glasses ordered.

The other day I saw a commercial for the new lysol hands-free soap dispenser, and it kind of made me wonder: What's the point? In the commercial they show a girl sneeze and then she just puts her hand under the soap dispenser before washing her hands. I get that the idea is that you're spreading less germs...but on a soap dispenser? Even if she sneezed and then pumped her own soap, the next person to use the pump (and therefore touch her germs from the sneeze) would still wash them off with the soap in a matter of seconds, right? Maybe I'm just over thinking it.

Another thing that kind of made me laugh lately is that my facebook keeps having ads on the side that say "Need a pegnancy test?" or "Sexually active?". Gee facebook, did you miss the pregnancy announcement?

That's all for tonight. I'm still just trying to get back into the habit of writing more often. Hope all of my readers are having a wonderful summer!

Friday, July 8, 2011


I have been so busy! It's going to be quite a summer, I can tell. Last Saturday was a lot of fun. Alex and I went to pay rent for the month and as soon as our landlord opened his door, he patted his tummy and asked me how baby is coming along. I'll admit I was rather surprised! Remember this post? Well, neither of us had told our landlord that I'm expecting yet and I was not wearing any of my shirts that said anything about Berry. I guess it's just already that obvious that I'm pregnant, though I really didn't think it was yet. After that was an openhouse at a local 3D ultrasound place, and they were offering free 5 minute previews. So, of course we went! It was pretty amazing. Berry isn't yet fully enough developed that we could see much about how s/he is going to look, but it was so much fun to see how much baby moves around! I'm looking forward to when I can feel the movement.

This week Alex's stepbrother and his wife (who is over 6 months pregnant) and kids are visiting Mom and Richard, so we have been out at the ranch quite a few times. Also Alex helped some friends of ours buck hay while I have been working on sewing projects a lot.

Yesterday we got a new oven! I am pretty excited to try it out. The one we had seemed to be cooking too hot, things would burn on the outside and not be done in the middle. It was frustrating to me to have things I've made several times suddenly not turn out right. So, someone came out and looked at the oven yesterday. He discovered that it has been cooking almost 75 degrees too hot, and that it would cost less to replace the oven than to fix it, especially since it was getting to be close to 15 years old.

Tomorrow Alex and I are going rafting with some friends. Though in all likely hood I will be doing more sitting in a raft on the river than actually helping paddle. I'm looking forward to it though!

The end of this month is vacation, I have another doctor's appointment the day after we get back, then in August I have 3 appointments (dental, establishing me as a patient with a primary care doctor, and WIC...I think) a birthday, and a week of helping with fair!

What do you have going on this summer?