Friday, July 8, 2011


I have been so busy! It's going to be quite a summer, I can tell. Last Saturday was a lot of fun. Alex and I went to pay rent for the month and as soon as our landlord opened his door, he patted his tummy and asked me how baby is coming along. I'll admit I was rather surprised! Remember this post? Well, neither of us had told our landlord that I'm expecting yet and I was not wearing any of my shirts that said anything about Berry. I guess it's just already that obvious that I'm pregnant, though I really didn't think it was yet. After that was an openhouse at a local 3D ultrasound place, and they were offering free 5 minute previews. So, of course we went! It was pretty amazing. Berry isn't yet fully enough developed that we could see much about how s/he is going to look, but it was so much fun to see how much baby moves around! I'm looking forward to when I can feel the movement.

This week Alex's stepbrother and his wife (who is over 6 months pregnant) and kids are visiting Mom and Richard, so we have been out at the ranch quite a few times. Also Alex helped some friends of ours buck hay while I have been working on sewing projects a lot.

Yesterday we got a new oven! I am pretty excited to try it out. The one we had seemed to be cooking too hot, things would burn on the outside and not be done in the middle. It was frustrating to me to have things I've made several times suddenly not turn out right. So, someone came out and looked at the oven yesterday. He discovered that it has been cooking almost 75 degrees too hot, and that it would cost less to replace the oven than to fix it, especially since it was getting to be close to 15 years old.

Tomorrow Alex and I are going rafting with some friends. Though in all likely hood I will be doing more sitting in a raft on the river than actually helping paddle. I'm looking forward to it though!

The end of this month is vacation, I have another doctor's appointment the day after we get back, then in August I have 3 appointments (dental, establishing me as a patient with a primary care doctor, and WIC...I think) a birthday, and a week of helping with fair!

What do you have going on this summer?

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