Friday, May 6, 2011

And then there were none.

 Last night I kind of wanted some chocolate, and I will ashamedly admit that I was whining just a little bit because we had none in the house. So my dear, sweet husband took me to wal-mart where we walked through the bakery, and the candy aisle, and the Easter candy clearance aisle. There wasn't really anything that I felt like I had to have. So we got milkshakes from McDonald's and sat in the parking lot watching people before heading home. Well, tonight we decided to go back and get a box of chocolates we had seen in the clearance aisle so we headed back to wally-world. We got to the Easter aisle and were surprised. It had been ransacked and left with rows of empty shelving where the chocolate had been. We had gone to pick up one kind in particular: Nutffles. Nutffles feature a choice of a whole hazelnut, peanut or almond in a creamy nut filling surrounded by a thin, crisp wafer covered in Belgian milk chocolate. Doesn't that sound amazing? Even better, they had been on sale, a pack of 24 for about $1.75. They were gone. The only choices left were marshmallow candies and gummy bunnies. Yick. Can you say "disappointed"?


  1. awww man! That's quite a bummer!

  2. Nutffles sound good. Nothing like that around here, tho'. I need to move someplace where there's a good variety of both nutritional and feel-good food.

    The marshmallow candies reminded me of peeps which reminded me of "How many ways can you torture a peep?" I once thought of reenacting the Battle of Gettysburg in our Indy front yard using peeps. :)

  3. No kidding, Heidi! I learned my lesson: When I pick up a box of clearance chocolate and think "these sound good" don't be indecisive! Just buy em!! Haha.

    Yeah, the marshmallow craze is insane! Marshmallow cupcakes, marshmallow bunnies, a 1/2 lb marshmallow football on a stick, chocolate covered marshmallow eggs...The peeps were actually all gone though!I like blowing them up in the microwave. Re-enacting a battle would be fun :D
