Wednesday, May 4, 2011


 I was thinking earlier today about some of what makes each person an individual. The little quirks, habits, or pet peeves. They are the sort of thing that can either endear someone to you, or annoy you to no end. I have plenty of quirks myself!

I color code my hangers: shirts on white, pants on green, dresses on blue..etc. It's more of an obsessive compulsive thing. I did it once trying to straighten up my closet, and now I can't stand to have an article of clothing on the "wrong" hanger.

I often start singing if someone says something that reminds me of a song. It made me very happy when I discovered that Alex has the same quirk.

I love people watching and I make up stories about people in my head, or I try to figure out what they are feeling or thinking based on how they are acting.

I love late night cleaning! For some reason it's often 12-1am when I get my spurt of energy and sometimes I'll clean the whole apartment before going to bed.

Sometimes when I am listening to someone teaching, or just talking when they are long winded, I will start air writing what they are saying in cursive.

I don't sit still very well. I usually keep a pen and sketch paper in my purse so that I can keep my hands busy while sitting.

One of my pet peeves is when someone will snort instead of blowing their nose.

I actually asked one of my sisters earlier if she could think of any annoying habits I had...I'll admit I was relieved when the only one she could think of on the spot was that I'm not a huge fan of traditional Christmas music.

Do you have any unusual habits or pet peeves?


  1. I do the air writing too. 'Cept I use my toes. :D

  2. Uh oh. I'll have to stay away when i have a cold. Haven't blown me sniffer fer years now. When I try, I don't get nothing but a bigger headache. But if I'm feeling bad enuff to snort me snot, I'm usually in bed anyway. :)

  3. Haha, that's funny Heidi!

    Well, one or two snorts doesn't bother me, but when the buggers are draining and the person is just sitting there *snort SNNOOORRRT snort* and it's not helping...they obviously need a tissue. Lol.
