Wednesday, May 4, 2011

This and that

I seem to be in a writing mood, but with no thought out topic readily available from the top of my head. Which leaves me to just write as I go...making this liable to be a very random/scattered post.

One thing that occurred to me last week (or was it two weeks ago?) when I was put on steroids for the sprain in my neck was that I started having a noticeable weight gain when I was put on steroidal nose spray for a sinus infection last year. Is there a connection? I may never know for sure.

I happen to have a love/hate relationship with dollar stores. They happen to be amazing, and I tend to spend more money than I ever first intend when I go in one. I think my favorite find recently has been 6yrd spools of ribbon. Wired ribbon, satin, grosgrain, 1/2", 2"..and in almost any color you could want! So much fun. I also like looking at the dishes. If they have the olive set again this fall Alex and I may just buy enough to make a set, they match our kitchen curtain so well! Can you resist the call of  "Everything's $1"?

Also, I just have to say my sister did a wonderful job on mine and Alex's wedding pictures (which I am still planning on posting more of someday) and I just can't get over how amazing this picture is!

Oh, and if you are like me and trying to avoid soda, or pop, or soda pop, or cola...or whatever you may call it: one of the best replacements I have found is club soda and a dark fruit juice. It still has a lot of sugars in it, but it's all natural sugars (as long as you use 100% juice) and tastes so good! Of course, I'm also happy with just the club soda, but not everyone can drink that.

And I'm quite tired and should stop rambling for now...


  1. I am so glad that you like the pictures...but don't ask me to do it again :)

  2. I love them! And no worries, I won't ever be needing another wedding photographer ;)
