Friday, May 20, 2011

Pain and loss..

I just really don't know what I should say right now. Yesterday morning I got a call from my mom that my grandma had passed away. She had been battling liver cancer for two years, but two or three days ago she told my mom that she was tired of it, that she was ready to go.

I think I'm still kind of just in a state of shock. I don't really feel anything right now. Yesterday I cried off and on between talking to siblings and dealing with my own problems that I'm facing right now. I'm just so far away from my family and I don't feel like there's much that I can do to show my love and support right now.

But, life goes on, and time will lessen the hurt of loss.

1 comment:

  1. Love you! I wish you'd been able to come out, but also that I'd been there to hug you and comfort you too.
