Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Confessions of a pack rat

 While going through stuff the past couple of days I realized a few things.

1) I am a pack rat. I keep all sorts of odd little things for a reason that seemed good at the time, but most of which I cannot remember anymore.

2) Even though I can't remember why I kept things, it's still very difficult to throw them away! Things like a manual for a camera I haven't had for years, a plane ticket stub from vacation, a post it note that says I went for a walk, I even keep things that I look at and say "That might be useful someday."

3) I keep somewhat useful things, even if I am not the one who has ever made use of them. I have a lot of jewelry that I never wear, a lot of rings especially but they don't fit me and I only ever wear my engagement and wedding rings, and toe rings. I have a lot of sweaters that I think would be very warm and comfy if I'm cold and need something to snuggle up in, but I have a favorite hoodie I always wear instead. I have outfits I may have only worn once or twice, but I feel bad getting rid of because someone I care about gave them to me..etc. I have a lot of lotions and perfumes, and I love having them, but I don't really ever use them enough to warrant having a whole chest of drawers full.

Last of all, I realized that it won't kill me to get rid of some things. So here's what I decided:

 Goodwill, you can have all the baggy sweaters (except for the purple and pink one I have used a few times), you can have the three tiered neon skirt that I put on once but hasn't fit me for years, and I'm feeling generous so you can even have the size 8 men's flip flops that still have the tags on them. Though even now I am thinking I may have found a way to wear them myself.

 Dear younger sisters. Surprise! I hope no one tells you this, but I am sending a goodie box your way. I hope you like purses, headbands, jewelry, lotions, shower gel, and pretty much any other sort of pretty girlie thing you can think of because you're going to have a bit to go through and decide if you want any of it.

 Dear younger brothers. I am very sorry, but I have not one thing that I think you would appreciate me sending just for you. Unless perhaps one of you has started wearing a nose ring or something? I seriously hope not! Or maybe you would understand my appreciation for keeping a five year old spiral bound notebook that has lists of things to take to the Civil War re-enactments and which dresses would match with what jewelry best. Oh! And I think there may even be some doodles of cats in them. You want me to send them?? I thought not..

That is all, my tired brain has stopped functioning...stay tuned for more rambling posts tomorrow! Goodnight all.

(PS) As I was re-reading for errors I realized I had said "pat rack" and then fixed it to say "rat pack" Ah well, I guess I was thinking of Dean, Frank, and Sammy rather than a rodent...

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