Wednesday, April 13, 2011


 Monday night I tried out a new recipe. It was for a peach cobbler coffee cake. Sounds amazing, right? It is yummy, but very time consuming, and when it was done I realized that Alex and I would never eat the whole thing by ourselves! Having just made a blogpost and mentioning that I should make more of an effort to see how elderly neighbor is doing, I got up yesterday morning and put some of the cake in a container. I took a deep breath and walked across the patch of grass in between apartment buildings, and I rang the doorbell. No one answered so I walked down to grandma's and gave her the container. I stayed and chatted with her for a few minutes. Later Mom and I went shopping and I decided I wanted to get my hair cut. Since I love having hair almost down to my waist, it wasn't an easy decision. But at the same time, the ends looked terrible, and I have been wanting to make sure I don't ever get stuck in a rut being content to just stay the same forever. So, I got almost 6 inches cut off from what is now the longest part of my hair, and about 12 inches cut off from what is now the shortest. I got side bangs and short layers around my face. I'm still getting used to not being able to just tie my hair in a knot to keep it off of my neck. Where did I store all those hair ties?

 As Mom and I got home I saw that my neighbor was just arriving home too. So, after visiting a bit more with Mom and Grandma, I went home and made up another dish of the peach dessert. I walked across the yard again and tried again ringing the doorbell. I ended up being invited inside and chatting for almost 20 minutes. For those of you that know me, you may realize what a huge thing this is for me! I pretty much never talk to strangers, I am terrible at small talk, and I am super shy. I think that this lady gets lonely though, and she was very sweet. On top of all that I was even able to mention to her that Alex and I are Christians and that we believe that the Bible is the absolute truth.

So, yesterday was an adventurous day. I'm thrilled that Alex likes my new hair (he didn't know I would be getting it cut, he was at school all day) and I'm happy that I made the decision to go visiting.

1 comment:

  1. That does sound amazing! Can you share? :D That's awesome that you had a great visit with your neighbor. I have really been enjoying having great neighbors, it's fun to have someone to visit with.
