Saturday, January 22, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge -Day Eleven

Day Eleven: Post a picture of something you hate

 That's right. A bathroom scale. I know that it seems a bit vain, perhaps, for a scale to be something I hate. I know it's mostly my own fault too that I so much despise stepping on one of those things and watching the little red needle *zing* to a much higher number than I would like to see. I'll keep working at it though, one of these days a low number will make me feel very accomplished.


  1. I'm praying for you, girl!

  2. I hate bathroom scales too...but mostly because I dropped one on my foot, which gave me a black toenail, which is still there, 3 months later!!! :P

  3. Yup, or you can do what I did and just completely avoid it until your clothes show a difference, then be completely surprised by the weight change - or lack of it. :D Love you!
