Thursday, January 27, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge -Day Sixteen

Day Sixteen: Post a picture of someone who inspires you
I was thinking about this one today, figuring out who it is that I would say inspires me. I guess it would depend on what the word means. I decided that I needed to post a picture of my dear twinsy, Christa. Not only is she one of the sweetest young ladies I know, and my best friend besides my husband, she's such a hard worker! It seems every time I talk to her she's helping with the family business, taking care of her horses, making dinner, helping someone run errands in town...and she's also taking the time to learn piano. (And doing a wonderful job, I might add.)
 Christa never fails to put a smile on my face, to offer to pray for me when I'm having a particularly bad day, and she's so willing to listen to me whine, even if she's also having a bad day. But she's not afraid to tell me if I need to just straighten out my attitude. I hope that I can also be that kind of a joy and encouragement to the people I talk to, have that much diligence when it comes to my responsibilities, and the wisdom she has shown when giving advice. I feel so blessed that we have the friendship we do, and that I actually got to meet her in person a few months ago! :)

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