Sunday, January 30, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge -Day Nineteen

Day Nineteen: Post a picture and a letter

Well, here was another one that I wasn't quite sure what they meant I was supposed to post a picture of.  So, here is a picture of a drawing that my baby sister sent me, and a letter from my other little sister, as well as the reply that I am working on. I still think it's really exciting to get mail addressed to me, to open the letter and read everything written specifically for me to read! It usually takes me a few weeks to reply, so I should probably go work on that...aren't letters magnificent? Hehe


  1. hehe, I keep thinking of writing to you, but then end up calling instead, so have nothing new to write about. I think I'll just do it anyway, and you can get all the news twice. :D

  2. I wouldn't mind! I can write back and you can get all my news twice!! hehe
