Saturday, January 8, 2011

A lot to say!! Or not...

I was going to write a rather long, and hopefully interesting, post this evening. I have had so much on my mind, so many things to say. But then I spent all day typing out worship music to make a songbook for church, and my poor left hand has been begging me to stop. After years of typing with only three fingers and my thumbs I discovered why it would have been better to have learned to type properly. Hehe. So, I will make this entry short and simple.

Today I realized how happy it makes me to see someone actually return their shopping cart to the "cart corral". Which actually makes me think of a whole different idea, but my thumb is screaming at me to let it rest. More later! *Stretches sore fingers out*

1 comment:

  1. I know the feeling... too much to say and not having the words to tell it, that is! I love it too when people put their carts back where they belong :)
