Thursday, January 13, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge -Day Two..and the thoughts it brings to surface.

Day Two: Post a picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest.

Me and my older sister, Heidi, on my wedding day. She was my matron-of-honor, and obviously rather pregnant at the time.

There is so much I could say, so I think I will try. Heidi has always been one of my dearest friends. I remember her telling me that I was her first known answer to prayer. She had been praying for a baby sister, and the year that she was 4 years old, I was born. We've always been able to laugh together and have never had a fight. I have such good memories from when we were younger: Staying up late playing cards, Heidi reading Shakespeare aloud until I fell asleep, "snot pudding" (Really, you might not want to know!) the claims that she was my adopted mother and had saved me from a life on the streets...and so many other things!

When I was 15, Heidi got married and asked me to be her maid-of-honor. I was dreadfully self-conscious and shy at the time, but I was thrilled that she asked! Of course, I accepted. I was so pleased that she was now so happy, she had married a wonderful man. About two years later they moved to the other side of the country. I still called Heidi and talked to her often though. She was the person I went to for advice, to cry on her shoulder, and to just tell about what was going on in my life.

 The year I turned 18, I also traveled across the country, and moved in with Heidi and her husband. They put up with so much! Heidi had to listen to all my tears and frustrations centering around guys, other teenage girls, and the drama that those two things put together create. We still had fun times together too, frequenting our favorite coffee shop, going on shopping trips and trying on crazy clothes we would never actually wear. It was Heidi that gave me advice on how to handle my feelings when I first started liking Alex, and ended up being the first person I called when he proposed! She made my wedding dress for me, and I was so happy to have her by my side in support for our wedding. Honestly, I can't imagine how different my life would be without her. I love you Heidi!

1 comment:

  1. :D I love you too! I'm glad we've been able to share so much together, and am looking forward to seeing what the future holds for us.
