Wednesday, January 12, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge

I have a friend that had this posted on her facebook,and I thought it was a really neat idea! Each day there is something I am supposed to post a picture of. I figure that since I haven't been doing the greatest at figuring out what I want to write about, this will at least give me a start.

Day One: Post a picture of yourself  along with 10 facts about you.

1. Most of the time, at least in person, I am rather quiet and laid back. My husband brings out my more outgoing and talkative self, as does being tired.

2. I really enjoy writing, usually with pen and paper. I especially like using cursive.

3. I love baking! Desserts are a favorite, especially cheesecakes, or anything that I can make look fancy and professional. I enjoy trying new recipes.

4. I used to drink coffee constantly, but haven't had any for the past 3 months.

5. I love going barefoot! I can almost never be found with something on my feet, unless I am in a public establishment.

6. I am a football fan, and know a lot about the game, but I have only seen about a dozen matches in my life.

7. I have been married for exactly 4 months! Or 4 months and 4 days. I legally married my husband 4 days before our ceremony, but we only count after the ceremony as actually having been married.

8. Speaking of my wedding, my very first kiss was at my wedding ceremony. it was Alex's very first kiss too, and it was amazing :)

9. I love writing-and getting- old fashioned, snail mail letters. I have a very hard time finding actual stationary though! I believe that letter writing could be a dying tradition and it makes me sad.

10. I am a night owl. It is very easy for me to stay up til the wee hours of the morning, and even all night sometimes! It doesn't take much sleep for me to function well.


  1. This is cool! I think I might steal it from you. hehe. Of course, that would mean that I would actually have to post pictures. lol

  2. Feel free! I took it from someone else,lol. Ooh, I like pictures!!
